Chapter 15

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Charolotte's POV

Today was our last day in New York, and I deccided to spend my day with Christina at home. I feel sort of bad because I was living with her and now I'm leaving her and she has to pay the bills all by herself. We are just gonna stay home all day in our pajammas. I got up a little earlier than she did, she was so sad that we were leaving but she didn't want to leave Vince or her family. I made her breakfast and I played 'What Makes You Beautiful' extremely loud throughout the whole house. " What the hell are you doing I'm not done sleeping!" Christina yelled. "Come on, today is our last day wee need to have fun." I said while pulling her out of bed. " What are we doing?" she asked getting very interested. " We are going to stay here and have fun." I said. " You woke me up to stay at home and have fun, I had fun sleeping. And besides what are we going to do when we have no food or TV?" she asked. " That's a surprisee now get up." I said and walked down stairs with Christina slowly following. She looked at the living room and her mouth dropped. " Oh My God! You bought us a TV!!!" she screamed. " No, I bought you a TV." I said. She hugged me and said thank you a million times. " What's that smell?" She asked. Me and Niall bought you some food, you would have more but Niall ate it." Ii laughed. "Oh my god..." she said looking at her fridge full of food. " That's not all, me and the boys talked to Simon and he agreed to have you do a record label here in America." I said. She was so overwhelmed, she rn up an hugged me so tight. She burst ito tears, happy tears. " I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!" she screamed. " You deserve it, you have been the best friend that anyone could ever ask for." we hugged one more time, then went to eat breakfast. 

Emma's POV 

Today I was going to say bye to my family. I  was going to see my mom and grandpa today. My mom is currently housing my grandpa because he is sick and we are the only people he has left. I don't know my dad but my mom said that he was a nice guy and I look a lot like him. I was driving to my mom's with Louis because he hasn't met them yet. We finally arrived and I knocked on the door. " Hi sweetie, how are you?" she said. " I'm fine. Mom, this is Louis, he is the one I'm moving in with in London." I said, she already knew about London. "Hello Louis, it's very nice to finally meet you." she said shaking his hand. " The pleasure is all mine." he said. It made me laugh because he never acts that polite, it was so cute that he was trying to make a good impression on my family. " Where is Grandpa?" I asked. " He is in the living room watching TV." she said. " How is he?" I whispered. " He doesn't look so good, he coughs a lot and he refuses to take his medications." she said with concern. I nodded walkimg in holding Louis's hand. I saw my grandpa sitting in his rocking chair. " Hi, Grandpa." I said giving him a hug. " Hi, darling. Who is this?" he asked pointing at Louis. " This is my boyfriend, Louis, the one that I'm movng to London with." I said smiling. " Hi," Louis said shaking his hand. " I see we have the same sense in style." Him and my grandpa were both wearing suspenders and stripe shirts. I started laughing and so did my grandpa. It was the first time that I have seen him laugh in a long time. I have a feeling my family is going to like Louis. After 2 hours of talking with my grandpa, we had to go. We said bye to my mom and grandpa, and left. " Where was your dad?" Louis asked while driving. " I don't know my dad." I replied. " Oh, I'm sorry. " he said. " No, it's fine. I don't care my mom said that I look a lot like my dad." I said. " Well, your dad must be very attractive." he said. There was an akward silence and then we burst out laughing. We reached our destination, my house. I still needed to pack a lot of things. 

Vivian's POV

I already packed all my things and I was just at home and Harry came over. I made some popcorn because we were gonna watch Paranormal Activity 3. We sat on the couch cuddling up to each other. We ate all the popcorn before the movie even started, (A/N don't you hate that!) and when the movie started I was already getting scared then Things started popping out of nowhere and I just right in Harry's lap. " Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I apologized. " It's fine, why do you think I pick this movie in the first place." he smirked. He kissed me and that turned into a makeout session. When we finally stopped the movie was over. We went to go get McDonalds and of course there was a bunch of fans there. I lost Harry for a second, but I found him and he grabbed me and kissed me in front of all his fans. You could hear them gasp and the sound of cameras flashing was everywhere.Before you know it all thosse pictures of us are gonna be on the internet. Wow, I think he just made it offical. 

Carly's POV

 Zayn spent the night, and when we woke up, I mean when I woke up. Zayn doesn't wake up easily. I hit him with a pillow because it was already 5:30  and the plane leaves at 7. " Ahhh! What babe?" He sleeply said. " We need to leave the plane leaves in and hour and a half." I said. He pick up his phone which had a bunch of text messages from the guys trying to ask him when he was gonna be at the airport. " Oh my gosh!" he said while we got our luggage and put them into the car. We arrived at the airport and everyone was there saying goodbye to Christina. She was in tears andd so was everyone else and we all said bye to her in a group hug.


That was chapter 15 I hoped you guys liked it. 

You probably would hear about Christina for a awhile but I promise she will be in the story soon. xxxxx 

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