Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I coundn't help it anymore, I called Vivian. I coundn't get her out of my mind. They way she walked, the way she talked, it was all overwhelming. I calle her and told her to come over, she said she was on her way. I got so excited, thinking about seeeing her put butterflies in my stomach. I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it i saw her she was wearing this: She looked irresistible. I couldn't hold it in any more. I kissed her with all the passion I could give her and she kissed back with just as much. We made-out for about 5 minutes. Those were the best 5 minutes of my life. We stopped and smiled at eachother. We decided to go eat at Olive Garden (A/N i love olive garden!). After we came back to my house, and I finally got up the courage to ask her, " Vivian, Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She looked at me with sadness in her face. " Umm... Harry I'm so sorry but I'm not ready for a serious relationship or any kind of relationship." she said braking my heart. The one girl that I loved with all my heart doesn't want me back. I looked down, holding back my tears. " You should probably go." I suggested. She nodded and walked out. I don't wan't to see her right now, I just want to be left alone.

Charlotte's POV

I was just about to eat lunch with Christina when soeone called me, I looked at the Caller ID and it was Niall. 

Charlotte: Hey

Niall: Hey, Charlotte, what are you doin? 

Charlotte: I was was just about to get ready to eat lunch with Christina, why?"

Niall: Oh lunch sounds good right now! How about you, Christina, me and my cousin, Vince, go to Nando's?

Charlotte: Sure that sounds like fun! See you there!

I hang up. I got dressed in: and Chrstina wore: We got in the car and drove to Nando's. We arrived after a couple of minutes, and walked inside Niall and his cousin vince were already there. Niall stood up from the the table and hugged me. Vince said hi but he couldn't stop staring at Christina.

Vince's POV

Wow when Christina walked in, I couldn't take me eyes off of her. She had perfect hair, face, body, and from her laugh, a good personality. " Hello." I said. " Hi, I'm Christina. Nice to meet you." she replied. " I know I've seen you before." I said. " Really? When?" she asked. " You went to my high school and you were in the talent show, by the way, you have a great voice" I told her.  " Oh yah! Wow I was horrible in that talent show." she looked down. I have always liked her and I was so glad I saw her. " You were perfect." I said. I lifted up her chin and did something I was dying to do when I first met her. I crashed our lips together and to my surprise she kissed back. " Wow, you don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." I said. She laughed. I just looked at her and we sat down and we carried on with our lunch. Niall and Charlotte just looked at us in disbelief. Once we were done, I asked her on a date for Saturday and she said yes! Now I just need to wait two more days! Niall asked out Charlotte and of course she said yes, they were perfect for each other.

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