Chapter 32

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Nobody's POV

Today Louis and Emma were getting married all the girls were in Emma's room and all the boys were in Louis's room. The girls were gettiing their hair and makeup done. " Guess I'm so nervous!" Emma said. " Don't worry you look stunning." Audrey said. Emma smiled and when they were done they all helped Emma into her dress. The boys were playing video games but Louis was nervous also. He walke out of the room onto the balcony. Louis was looking at the sky. Harry walked into the balcony, and said, " What's wrong man, are you nervous?" Louis was silent then spoke. " I don't know. I just don't think I'm good enough for her." Louis replied softly. " What do you mean?" Harry said. " I'm crazy, I'm still a child basically, and I don't want her to feel like she has to take care of me." Louis said. " Emma is just as crazy as you. For her bachelorette party she went to vegas and used a fake ID to get into clubs. What did you do for your bachelor party? The same damn thing. You guys were meant to be together. Everyone knows how much you guys love each other just by the way you guys look at each other. Now put your shoes on because the wedding is gonna start in 10 minutes." Harry demanded.

Louis was at the end of the aisle waiting for the groomsmen and bridesmaid to come out. the music started and the door opened, Carly and Zayn came out, then Liam and Christina, Charlotte and Niall, Vivian and Stan ( one of Louis's best friend), Lottie and Fizzy, then Kylie and Harry. Daisy and Phoebe were flower girls along with Baby Desi. Fially the wedding march came on, everyone stood up. Emma ( ) and her mom walked out, Louis smiled so big and so did Emma except she had tears in her eyes. They got to the end of the aisle and Emmas mom gave her away. They started the ceremony and now they had to say their vows. Louis was first, " Emma, the moment I bumped into you in Starbucks and saw your face I knew I wanted you to be mine. You are so fun and sweet . You know how to make me calm down and still have fun. I have never felt so loved this past year. I love you Emma."  Noww it was Emma's turn, " Louis, I can't even put into words how much I love you. You understand me more than anyone else, you know when I'm sad, or happy. You pick me up when I'm down. You are so fun to be around and are hilarious. I love everything about you, Louis." After they both said I Do and the Priest said, I now pronouce you Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson." They both kissed eachother with all the passion they had.  Everyone got up and clapped while Emma and Louis walked down the aisle together.

Louis and Emma walked into the reception and started to dance to ' Look After You'  by The Fray. "We did it." Emma said. " Yup, you are mine forever."  Louis whispered. They finished dancing and know everyone was dancing to " Yeah" by Usher. Louis's mom and Emma's mom were constantly taking pictures and crying happy tears together. We were just about to cut the cake when Vivian and Harry ran up to Emma and Louis, the rest of the gang following after Harry and Vivian to see what was happening. " Emma, we need to go to the hospital!" Vivian shouted over the noise. " Why?'' Emma asked. " My water just broke!" Vivian screamed. " Oh my God! Let's Go!" Emma said running to the stage. " Hey guys I'm sorry but my friend is in labor so me and Louis are going to the hospital right now. Thank you everyone for coming! Bye!" Emma said running of the stage. They all got in separate cars and drove to the hospital. We got Vivian a room and she was almost ready to push sadly only Harry could be in the room and everyone else had to stay in the waiting room. People were staring at them because they were in fancy dresses and tuxedos. We were all waiting for the babies to come, when we all heard loud noises coming from the hall. Everyone that was at the wedding was now at the hospital to support Harry and Vivian. They waited for about 45 minutes until Harry ran out and screamed " I AM A FATHER!!" Everyone jumped up and hugged him. Harry, Emma, Louis, Charlotte, Niall, Christina, Liam, Desi, Kylie, Carly, and Zayn went to the room were Vivian and the babies were at. They walked in and saw these adorable babies in the little crib in the room. Everyone was holding them and Harry and Vivian were both laying in the hospital bed. " Emma and Louis, sorry I ruined your reception." Vivian said. " You didn't ruin anything you made it ten times more special. Plus, we can still fnish it." Emma said. V ivian looked confused, Louis got up and left the room, when he came back he brought everyone from the party in the room. Everyone had to squeeze in but it was still an amazing day. Louis, and Emma said at the hospital for a little while longer to go to the nursery and see the twins ( Darcy and Dylan). " They are so cute." Louis said. " I know." Emma said. " I want one." Louis stated. " You do?" Emma questioned. " Yah, I may be a bit childish sometimes but I think I could be a great father." Louis said. " You will be an amazing father." Emma said. " You would be a great mother." Louis said. " Well I'm gonna need to be." Emma said smiling. " What do you mean?" Louis asked. " Yesterday I had a doctors appointment because I wasn't feeling well. We figured out that I'm 3 weeks pregnant!" Emma shouted. Louis smiled and picked up Emma spinning her around. " I'm gonna be a dad?" Louis asked. Emma nodded. Louis hugged her and they left the hospital hand in hand husband and wife and mother and father.

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