Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

I've been living with Vivian for awhile now and we have had a lot of great times together. I was at home watching TV and Vivian was in the room because she hasn't been feeling good lately. " Harry!!" I heard coming from upstairs. I got up and went to see what she wanted. I found her on the floor in the bathroom. " Oh my God, what happened?" I said while helping her up. " I don't know I've been feeling like this for a long time." she said. " Maybe we should go to the doctors?" I suggested. " Yah maybe we should." she said. I told her to get dressed. She was wearing this: We got in the car and drove until we reached the doctors. We signed in and sat in the waiting room. " Harry?" she said. " Yes, love?" I responded. " What if something is wrong with me?" she said. " Don't think like that, babe." I said while kissing her forehead. " Vivian Loche." said the nurse. We got up and walked into the room. Vivian sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. The doctor walked in and weighed her. She was 143 pounds, she was 121lbs. before. She told the doctor that she have been throwing up a lot. " Well, are you on your period." Dr. Park asked. " Now that I think about it, I actually missed my period." she said. " Well we are going to need you to pee in this cup then give it to us so we can tell you on not." he said. She nodded and did as she was told. He told us to wait in the waiting room for the result. We sat in silence the whole 20 minutes. " Vivian Loche and Harry Styles." Dr. Park said. We walked back into the room and sat down. " We got your results and you are pregnant. congradulations." he said. Me and Vivian were in complete shock. We shook hands with the doctor and left.

Vivian's POV

After the doctors me and Harry didn't talk. I didn't know what I felt, I was happy because I was having a baby but I didn't think I was ready. We were in the car and Harry said, " Babe?" " Ya?" I replied. " I just want you to know that what ever you decide I just want you to know that I will always be there for you. That baby will be the mosted loved baby, not only by me but by all of our friends. I love you so much and I am so happy that we our have this baby. " he said. He was so sweet. " Thank you." I said tears forming in my eyes. " WE ARE GONNA HAVE A BABY!" he screamed. It finally hit me, I'm in love with Harry Styles and we are gonna have a baby. I started crying happy tears and called Audrey, to tell her to call everyone else to meet us at our house. I was crying a little more than I realized and she probably couldn't understand me but she said she would call everyone and be right over. We arrived at the house a minute before Audrey and Liam. " Oh my God! What happened!" she said runnig up to me and hugging me. "I can't say until everyone gets here." I said wiping away my tears. All four of us walked inside the house and after a couple of minutes everyone was here. " So why were you crying and why do we all need to be here?" said Emma. " Well I haven't been feeling well lately, so I went to the doctors. And I''m Pregnant!" I shouted. In a split second, all the girls were running up to hug me and the guys were all congradulating Harry. " Oh my God! How far along are you?" asked Carly. " A month and a half." I replied. " Wow, I can't believe it." Charlotte said. I looked at Harry and he seemed so happy he walked over to me and put his hands around my waist. " I'm so lucky to have you." he said then kissed me on the lips. I can't wait until we are parents. 

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