Chapter 29

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Zayn's POV

We have spent a couple days here in New York but tomorrow was our last day so Liam and Audrey made an agreement that Audrey will live with me and Carly for awhile, because Christina and Baby Desi are moving in with Liam. So everyone is packing today but me and Carly packed early so I am taking her to this cupcake factory that my cousin owns. It's gonna be just opened for  us. Carly was getting ready and I was making last minute ajustments to the plans. Then Carly came down in this: . " You look stunning as always." I said. She smiled and said, " Thank you, where are we going?"  " Well, we are gonna go and make cupcakes." I said. " Cupcakes? I love cupcakes!" she shouted. " Well then lets go!" I shouted back. We went to the car, it wasn't that long to drive there. We got out and saw my cousin waiting outside of the big factory. " Hey Zayn!" my cousin Freddy said. " Hey cousin ." I said. " The kitchen is all yours, I have some errands to run. Okay bye!" Freddy said. " Bye." We replied. We walked in and entered this huge kitchen! " Oh my gosh, this is amazing." Carly stated. " Yaha lets get baking." I said. We started makin the batter and we put it in the oven. " What do you wanna do now?" Carly asked. We had to wait for the all the cupcakes to bake. " How about we do this!" I said squeezing frosting on her face. " AHHHH! What are you doing?!" she screamed. " This." I said squirting more frosting on her face. " AHH! I'm gonna get you!" Carly shouted. That turned into a huge frosting fight. " Now I'm all sticky." Carly said. " I can help with that." I said kissing her lips and get the frosting off of them." Thank you." Carly said. Then the fire alarm went off. " THE CUPCAKES!" We both shouted. We ran to the oven and open the door and the cupcakes were on fire. " Go grab the fire extinguisher!"  I yelled. Carly ran and came back. She squirted all the foam on the cupcakes and put out the fire. I put on the oven mitt and took out the cupcakes. " There is a buch of foam in the oven!" I said. " Your cousin is gonna kill us!" Carly said. Just after she said that my cousin walked in. " What happened!" he screamed. " I'm so sorry Freddy but the cupcakes caught on fire and we had to put them out." I said really fast. " Don't worry we were gonna throw this oven out because we were gonna get a new one. I was talking about the frosting all over you guys." Freddy said. " Oh yah we kind of had some fun." Carly said. " Well you guys could have more fun making more frosting!" Freddy said. The rest of the day Freddy, Carly, and me were refilling frosting bags but it was really fun because we got to talk and laugh. When we got back home everyone was looking at us like we were crazy because we were still covered in frosting. We went upstairs to take showers and came down to find Louis and Harry fighting.

Emma's  POV

" That  was my last taco!" Harry shouted. " Well maybe you should have ate it!" Louis shouted back. " I was saving it!" Harry said. Then Louis and Harry started to fight. Niall and Liam jumped and started to play fight and so did Zayn. " Ok stop! Louis go buy Harry another taco, Harry stop crying like a baby, and both of you guys go take a shower you guys smell like tacos!" I screamed. " Ok." Louis said reaching for his car keys. " I was not crying like a baby." Harry whined. " Just go take a shower and when you are done then you can eat your taco." I said. " Can you come with me?" Louis asked. I nodded and went to the car. "You know that you would be a good mom." Louis stated while driving. " Hahaha ok sure." I laughed. " No really, you have discipline. I could never have that." Louis said. " And that is what I love about you." I said. " What do you think about us having kids?" Louis asked. I was so shocked. " Wait is this coming from Louis Tomlinson? Louis Tomlinson wants kids?" I joked. " Yah at some point in my life." He replied. " Well, honestly I'm not ready." I said. " It's okay, I'm not saying that I want one right now but I want onne in the future." he said. '' Me too." I replied. We went to Taco Bell and got Harry another taco. When we arrived back at home, Harry was there waiting for his stupid taco. " FInally!" He said. " Wait, there is not hot sauce." he added. " Stop complaining and eat your damn taco!" Niall said. Harry ate his taco in silence while the rest of us were just talking. I couldn't help but think about what Louis said. We are already engaged, now he wants a kid! 

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