Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

I woke up the next morning, smiling so much. This is what I was wearing: I have Louis Tomlinson's number! I was so happy, I went downstairs turned on the TV and made myself a bowl of CoCo Puffs. The news was on. Sooo boring! I was looking for the remote when I heard the news lady say

' One Direction had fun last night at Starbucks after their concert in New York. They were seen with 6 girls inside Starbucks laughing and smiling at each other and toward the end of the night we caught them hugging and kissing. So the question is, are ALL of One Direction taken?' 

Oh my God! There were pictures of me and Louis hugging and my friends kissing the boys! I had to call Louis.

Louis's POV

I was eating a carrot when my phone started to ring. It was an unknown number. I answered it.

Louis: hello?

Emma: Hi it's Emma.

Louis: Oh hello love how are you

Emma: I'm good and you?

Louis: perfect

Emma: umm... I was watching the news-

Louis: why were you watching the news?

Emma: I couldn't findd the remote why?

Louis: because only old people watch the news

I laughed.

Emma: haha ok well they got pics of us at Starbucks and thinkwe are dating!

Louis: You donn't wanna go out with me?

Emma: I never said that

Louis: Then lets go on a date. 

Emma: When?

Louis: Tonight at five

Emma: ok it's a date

Louis: ok bye beautiful

Emma: haha bye

I was so happy that I had finally asked her out. She was perfect so tonight's date had to be the same. 

Audrey's POV

I woke up at 1:30 pm! Wow I skipped breakfast! That is the first time ever! Oh great now im starving. I at all the food in my house andI don't want to eat out all alone. I'll call Liam. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. 

Liam; Hello?

Audrey: Hey it's Audrey!

Liam: oh Hey!

Audrey: I was wondering if you wanted to go to iHop with me because I skipped breakfast?

LIam: ok sure what is your address?

I gave him my address.

Liam: Ok I'll be right over.

Audrey: Kay bye!

I hang up the phone and ran upstairs and put on this: Then I heard a knock at the door. It was Liam, man he got here fast! I said hi then we got in his car and drove to iHop, I order mmediately and while we were waiting we got to get to know each other very well. He was so funny and I couldn't stop laughing when he tried to stir his chocolate milk with a fork. He was so sweet he paid for breakfast and ddrove me home. " I have never met a girl as beautiful as you, I'm so lucky I found you. I wanna ask you something." he said. "What is it?" I asked. I kinda knew what it was but I just wanted to hear him say it. " umm..." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he finally spoke. He looked down, cheeks red. "of course!" I screamed. " Really?!" he said. "yup!" I replied. " ok, how about i take you on our first date tomorrow at 6:00?" he asked. " sure! I hugged him and left the car. I walked into my house. Did I just really get asked out by the goregous Liam Payne?

Carly's POV

I had to go to Target to get some food. Audrey ate all mine. I got dressed in and left for Target. I walked in looking at my shopping list when I bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh are you alri-" i started to say. "Carly is that you?" he said. I recognized Zayn's voice right away. " Zayn? Haha yup it's me!" I said. I hugged him. " How  are you?" he asked. " Good just getting food, nothing else really happened since yesterday." I laughed. He blushed and looked down. " I need to get food but do you wanna hang out at my house and watch a movie?" I asked. " yah that sounds cool!" he replied. We walked around target laughing at each other's jokes and people were staring at us. I got in my car and he got in his and we drove to my house. He helped me put the food away and we started debating on which movie we should watch. We both agreed on The Notebook. We started watching the movie and I started crying, Zayn noticed and pulled me closer wwith his arms aroun my waist. I put my head on his shoulder and that comforted me. He was so sweet and really understood me, making me fall harder for him. The movie ended but Zayn fell asleep and I was getting tired also, so we just were laying right next to each other, our bodys touching and we were soon both asleep.

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