Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

I didn't like the idea of going to a bar. I still don't trust myself around alcohol, but everyone else wanted to go and I didn't want to make them sad. So, I was getting ready and this is what the end result was this: I drove to the bar and when I walked in I saw Carly:, Charlotte:, Audrey:, Christina:, and Vivian: I said hi and they immediately order beer. I ordered a cherry coke. We got up to dance and I was getting sort of squished. Everyone else seemed to be having a great time except me and Vivian. I sat down next to her and said, " Hey." "Hi." she said you could tell something was on her mind. " What's wrong?" I asked. " Nothing, just the Harry thing." she replied. " What about it?" I said. " Well I do like him, but I don't want to get hurt again." she said. "Again?" I asked. " Yah, like a year ago I was in a serious relationship and he cheated. He would drink a lot and when he came over, he would sometimes beat or rape me." she said getting shivers and trying to hold back her tears. I got up and hugged her and she sobbed in my arms. When she finished crying, I walked her to the bathroom to fix her makeup. " You know that you don't need to dress like that or wear a ton of makeup to get guys to treat you better." I said. She looked up at me, wiping her tears away. " I know." she replied. " You will find someone that will like you for who you are and not for what you look like. In the mean time, you should talk to Harry beause he really cares about you and hasn't left the house in a couple of days." I said. " Really? I hurt him that bad?" she asked. " Yah the boys said that this is the worst they have ever seen him." I responded. " Yah, I probably should call him. Thanks for helping me." she said. " No problem we are friends right." I asked. She nodded and we walked back to the others. They were completely wasted, could barely stand up. I think i'm gonna have to drive them home. Vivian and I tried to pile them in the car but they were to drunk to stand. I finally got them in and took them to my house and let them sleep in the living room. I have them pillows, blankets, and trash cans for the aftermath and I went up to my room. Once my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.


Heey! sorry this one is so short I have to go I promise the next one will be longer! xxxxxxxxxx

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