"No." Amalia replied and looked up at Eva before looking back down at the pillow, "I just have a bad feeling about all of this!" She placed her head in her pillow before looking back up again, "The cold isn't helping either! My feet are frozen stiff!" She yelled.

"Worry no more damsels!" Dally yelled, raising his sword in the air and nearly stepping on my hand, "Sir Percedal will find something to warm you!"

I rolled my eyes a little. "You nearly stepped on me!" I barked and stood up.

"Oh heh, sorry about that!" He laughed and scratched his neck a bit before looking toward Yugo and Adamai, who were in a little corner. "Yugo! Let me barrow Az!" He said before turning to me, "Kaido, let me barrow Paku as well! I may need some bait!"

Paku shriveled up beside me with fear. "Bait?!" I questioned, putting my hand gently around my Tofu and holding him (her?) I can't remember any more...) protectively. "You're not going to treat my friend as bait, Iop!" I yelled.

Yugo reluctantly allowed Dally to use Az, which made the Iop happy as he left.

I decided to steal Dally's spot on the couch, and laid down. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep, so I just watched everyone quietly while awaiting for Dally to return.

All of a sudden, the little yellow Tofu flew into the building. It began squeaking maniacally and flew to Yugo quickly. I tilted my head in a little confusion as Paku perked up and flew on my head.

"It's Dally!" Yugo gasped. "He fell under the ice!"

My eyes widened and I ran out of the bag, "We gotta go save him!" I said as Yugo created a portal and jumped through it to gain speed. Oh yeah, I forgot I could do that! It didn't take long for both of us to be jumping through portals until we came across a frozen lake that clearly had broken ice in the center.

I glanced at Yugo, realizing it was just the two of us on the rescue mission. I smiled a bit before saying, "Here goes nothing!" I ran onto the ice, being careful to listen for any cracking noises and slowly made my way toward Dally. I created a portal and sent it under the water, and then made another one on the land, sending Dally through it.

"Nice job Kaido!" Yugo cheered before looking at the ice block of our friend.

"Thanks, but we should hurry up and get him to the others!" I said and we both began to push Dally back. Once we finally got back to the bag, we entered and pushed Dally in as well. He was still very frozen. "He must be Alaskan if he's still living after that." I said slowly, trying to make a joke, but I was the only one laughing.

"It's a good thing Az warned us." Yugo explained.

We could hear the Iop chattering his teeth as Adamai walked over and gently blew fire on the ice. It melted in less than a minute, and Dally fell to the floor. His skin was completely blue and he laid there shivering, trying to get warm. While we looked at how pathetic he seemed, something turquoise came crawling out from under him. It looked like a small animal with tiny tusks and a huge pink nose. It appeared to have hooves, and was only slightly bigger than my hands.

"What is that?" Amalia asked as she picked it up. She looked at it with a loving smile.

"It's so cute!" I said, also smiling.

"Just look at him-" Amalia tried to speak, but Ruel cut her off as he stuttered to say, "What is that critter doing here?" He asked. "Get rid of it!"

"It's just a baby drheller." Amalia informed. "I heard they're an Enutrof's best friend."

"You heard wrong!" Ruel snapped, getting up in her face and pointing a finger at her. "That's no friend of mine! Out! Out! Out!" He managed to grab it from her and toss it out.

"It was just a baby, Ruel." I said softly. "I don't think it could have hurt you very much." I paused and smirked, "But then again, you are an old man. It wouldn't take much."

He glared at me in response, "Well, you can go join that thing if you'd like!" I just started laughing at his response.

After a bit more time had passed, Dally and Yugo went outside to play or something, but they said we weren't allowed to go out with them. I sighed and looked at the girls, "Finally, nap time!" I cheered, snuggling into the couch and curling up.

"Why are you so tired Kaido?" Eva asked. "There's still daylight outside."

"I dunno... Emotional stress?" I offered, trying to give a response.

"You're still worried about Aster and Astred?" Amalia asked.

I sat up and nodded. "Yeah... I mean, we just left them there. We don't even know if they're okay, or if they need help."

Eva nodded as Yugo ran inside. "Girls!" He said, "We have a surprise for you!" He smiled cheerfully.

Eva and Amalia exchanged glances and I walked up to the Eliatrope, "Sweet, let's check it out." I decided I wasn't going to get any sleep, so there was no point in trying.

Once we all covered ourselves in fur to keep us warm, we went outside and followed Yugo. The child, though, no younger than me, walked happily along until he turned around and made us close our eyes. "Alright, we're almost there." He said, guiding us with his hands before he stopped and said, "Ta-da!"

When we opened our eyes, all we could see was Dally crying, Ruel standing behind him yelling at the Drheller, and a bunch of snow piles.

"Ta-da?" Eva questioned, raising a brow as she looked unimpressed.

As Yugo turned around to see what had happened, Dally stood up and yelled, "Ruel!" At the top of his lungs. He grabbed Rubilax and swung it toward the old man. Not aiming to kill, it was more of aiming to hurt.

Oh, they wanted a fight? I bent down and rolled up a ball of fresh snow before throwing it at Yugo.

"Hey!" He gasped and then threw one back at me. We both giggled and then the snow ball fight spiraled out of control as we all joined in, including Adamai. We were running around and trying to avoid each other.

"This is so much fun!" I cheered, throwing one at Ruel as Eva hit me with one.

We were all laughing and having fun until Yugo suddenly stopped and looked at Adamai. We all went quiet as we noticed the horrified expression on his face. "It's Grougle..." The dragon said. "Something's wrong."

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