67. Kalijah

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Klaus's POV

When Elijah appeared with Katerina I couldn't believe what was happening. How could he do this to me? His own brother! I was expecting to Caroline get some sense into Elijah but apparently that was asking too much because Caroline just wanted to see Elijah happy even if it meant by being with the woman who ruin the bloody sacrifice and made me doubt that I could ever break the curse or make hybrids.

"Nik..." I heard Caroline coming into my room.

"Don't! There's so many bloody women around the world and he had to go for the one who ruin everything. I could have break the curse my mother put on me but she had to flee, she had to ruin everything."

"Of course she run."

"Are you defending her? What happened to you being on my side and here for me, always and forever?"

"I am here for you and I'm on your side but you need to see that she clearly wouldn't sacrifice herself for your if she had a choice. She did what everyone would do. But now you broke the curse and have your army of hybrids. Just let Elijah be happy."

"That way I would give Katerina mercy and she does not deserve it. And let's not forget about what people could say... The once feared Original Hybrid is now forgiving the ones who betrayed him. They will think I got soft. I can't have that."

"Of course... I can't believe you!" She said.

"What?" I asked not understanding her reaction.

"What? I tell you what! Instead of you being concerned with your brothers happiness, your priority number one is your stupid reputation. Look around you! The only people who are still in your life are the ones who love you and don't fear you, are the ones who know the real you and love you no matter what. I can't believe I thought you were being again the Nik I once knew... You still choose power if you had to, you still care more about the stupid reputation than the happiness of the ones close to you. You will always choose yourself."

"How can you say that? I've been skipping things that could get me more power just to comfort you. I've been trying to be the man you want me to be. I've been doing everything I can so I can then listen to you talk about your wolf boyfriend. I guess you will always just see the bad side when it comes to me. For you I will always be just the monster who broke your heart and no matter what I do to try to make up for that you will never look at me differently."

"It's you who sees yourself as a monster. I don't. I never have. Even when you started to only care about your hybrids and power. You broke my heart but you will always be the amazing artist, gentleman, caring and protective Nik I've fall in love with." Caroline said.

"Yet... I am not worthy of a second chance to show you that we could work."

"Second chance? I gave you thousands of chances. Every time you made your first priority the hybrids or power or somethings besides me, I would give you a chance... I always tried to make myself believe it was just that one time or that you were just overwhelmed but time and time again you put me in second or even third and I think I deserve more than that. I have to think that or else everyone will see me as a pathetic little girl and I'm no longer like that." She said upset.

"Did you just came here to argue with me? Because I don't think it's very wise to do that right now." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't came here to argue. You were the one who started it. I just... I wanted you to try to be... civilized... with Katherine. Your brother loves her after all these years and I think she likes him too. Just try it... not for me nor for Katherine but for Elijah." Caroline said, making me start to wonder if I should give Katherine her freedom back. "Elijah always put our happiness above himself. He sacrificed so much for us... for you... He deserves to be happy and in love."

"Alright. But if Katerina does something that..."

"I'll help you torture her." Caroline said already knowing what I was thinking, then she gave me a small smile and said. "I'm sure Elijah will appreciate your act of kindness."

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