5. Talking about the Sacrifice

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No One's POV

It was night and Niklaus was standing in the fireplace, when Elijah appeared.

"Full moon is tomorrow, brother." Niklaus said without taking his eyes of the fireplace, then with a smirk added "After all these centuries it is finally time."

"I have been see the witches. I believe they may found a way to spare the doppelgänger." Elijah said with a smile, because he was hoping that if there was a way to Katerina survive, then he could maybe have her.

"What does it matter if she lives or not? She's a means to an end. That is all." Niklaus said because he didn't care about Katerina, he just wanted to break the curse and finally be what he is, a real hybrid.

"She should die for your game?"

"She's human, her life means nothing." Niklaus replied.

"I beg you to consider this." Elijah said, turning to see his younger brother and Niklaus turn to face Elijah, to see if Elijah had feelings for Katerina.

"Are you so foolish as to care for her?" Niklaus asked.

"Of course not." Elijah lied.

"Love is a vampire's greatest weakness and we are not weak, Elijah. We do not feel and we do not care." Niklaus said, making Elijah look down.

"We did once." Elijah said looking back at his brother.

"Too many lifetimes got to matter. Tell the witches not to bother. The sacrifice will happen as planned." Klaus said and left the room.

Niklaus went to Caroline's room and knocked on the door, then the door opened.

"You were right." Niklaus said.

"What? Come in." She said and after he step into her room, she closed the door so no one could hear them. "What are you talking about?"

"Elijah has feelings for Katerina and he already come to me, telling me about how the witches can find a way to do the sacrifice without killing the doppelgänger." Klaus said while seating in her bed and she seat next to him.

"Maybe Elijah is just trying to find a way to less people get hurt with the sacrifice. You know how he is..." She said, trying to calm down.

"I saw in his eyes that he cares for her. How can he think about the life of some human before his brother? I have been waiting for this for 500 years. Does he not see how important this is to me?" Niklaus said frustrated.

"He knows, and in the end he will be by your side. He is probably just confused..." Caroline said with her hand slightly brushing his arm and the other hand resting in his shoulder, he grabbed the hand she had on his arm and gave her a small smile.

"Thank you for being always here for me."

"You don't have to thank me, we are best friends since I can remember. You always were there for me. I don't mind to sometimes go the other way around." She said with a small smile and Niklaus gave her a kiss in her forehead.

He is not the kind of man that has displays of affection for others but when they were alone, he didn't mind.They were always there for each other and trust each other with everything, so Niklaus never had the problem of showing his true emotions.

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