70. Brad & Niklaus argue + Caroline asking Klaus to help

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No One's POV

Brad and Niklaus were now on Klaus's office argue because of what has been happening with the werewolves, which was hunters appearing and killing them when it was full moon, the packs were getting smaller drastically and Brad believed that concerned Niklaus because he was the king of New Orleans, although Niklaus disagreed because he thought it was the pack that should know how to handle themselves and not coming to Klaus for protection.

Brad was about to storm out when Caroline noticed him and called him, making him turn to see her.

"Oh, Hey!"

"Hi! What are you doing here? And why do you look so upset?"

"I just had an argument with Klaus about the werewolves situation."

"That's still going on?" Caroline asked concerned and he nodded.

Caroline could see that Brad was truly upset and concern about all these deaths and he had reason for it. Caroline has been trying to be there for him but he doesn't like to talk about how loss and sad and angry he got with what was going on, leaving Caroline with no way of helping him out, so she just gave him a peck on the lips to show him she was there for him.

"You can come to me, whenever you want."

"I know. Thank you, beautiful." He said with a small smile and kissed her again.

"Do you wanna stay and hang out or planning something for us to do?"

"I'm sorry, but right now the pack needs me. We are all losing people we care about and we need to be with each other."

"It's fine." Caroline said with a small smile.

She was feeling rejected and unimportant but she knew she had no right to feel like that because Brad had a good reason to not spend as much time as she wished.

"Aren't you mad?"

"No. I mean, I'm kinda upset that I can't spend time with you but I understand." She admitted and he gave her a peck on the cheek before leaving.


Brad was now in the Bayou and visited Olivia to see how she was handling everything. At first she seemed fine but then she broke in tears while talking about one of their friends that had passed away.

"It's going to be okay. We will find a way to stop this." Brad said, trying to comfort her.

"I don't know if this will stop... maybe after we will be all dead..." Olivia said and then Brad hugged her, pulling her to his lap because they were seating on her couch.

"I am trying to alert Klaus. Our leader is on it too. We will find a way..."

"I just can't lose anyone else..." she whispered, no longer crying. "I can't lose you..."

"You won't lose me..." he whispered and gave a peck on her shoulder.


Caroline was on the office with Klaus trying to make him helping the werewolves and after a long discussion she convinced him and they went to the Bayou.

When they were getting there, she sent a text to Brad telling him that she was able to convince Klaus to helping them out.

"What do you want?" The leader of Brad's pack asked Klaus.

"Calm down. I'm here in peace. I heard about what has been happening and I decided to help."

"In return of what?" The leader asked, knowing Klaus wasn't the kind of person who just helps without a catch.

"Of your loyalty." Klaus said with a smirk, making Caroline roll her eyes.

Caroline noticed Brad and Olivia getting out of one of the houses, so she walked over them and kissed Brad, feeling the need of showing that she was with Brad. She hated being like that but she couldn't help it. She hated to see that Brad and Olivia were so close and that Brad didn't open up to her, his own girlfriend.

"Hey Olivia!" She said with a forced smile to her and then looked back at Brad. "How are you? Nik is now here to help out with whatever he can. I had to give him a lecture and all that but at least now he is ready to help you."

"Thank you. You're the best!" Brad said and hugged Caroline.

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