16. Elijah and Mikael

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No One's POV

Elijah was getting ready for the opera, he was in front of the mirror, while he was getting dresses and then turned to the door, because he heard footsteps and when he saw who was it, he couldn't believe it. It was Mikael, his father.

"Le Grand Guignol. Saw it in Venice. Marvelous production" Mikael said.

"You" Elijah said, still dumbfounded

"It's alright, son. I just want to talk." Mikael said calmly.

"You mercilessly hunt us for centuries. You laid waste of half of Europe. Now you simply wish to talk?" Elijah said, while walking over to his father and with tears almost getting out.

"It was your bastard brother I hunted, not you, never you. You're my blood, one that I'd be proud to call son. So, I came here to give you a chance to help me put down that whelp for good." Mikael said.

Elijah quickly grabs Mikael and pushes him against the wall, Mikael throws Elijah, making him slam against the opposite wall, and with the hit of Elijah's body against the wall, wood splinters come down around him as he falls to the floor, being in his knees.

"Do you really not know me?" Elijah asked while getting up. "Do you think I could or would believe in anything that you say? If you honestly believe that I would betray my own brother for you, you're a fool without equal."

"I'll forgive you your sentimental affections for the thing you call brother, but you need to realize... as I did when I learned his mother had lain with a beast to beget him... Niklaus is an abomination. You do not talk to abominations. You do not reason with them or try to change them. You erase them. So, yes, I am asking you to help me kill your brother." Mikael said now angry.

Mikael saw that Elijah wouldn't help him, but would stay by Niklaus's side, so he takes out a white oak stake, Elijah tries to fight his father but can't, so he uses all his strength to fight him off.

"Stand with me or fall with him. Choose, son." Mikael said and Elijah is finally able to throw Mikael off of him

"I will always choose him!" Elijah yelled.

"Fine." Mikael said and with his vampire speed, he takes a regular wooden splinter from the wall and stabs it in Elijah's heart.


It was full house at the theatre as Rebekah, Klaus and Caroline sit in a private box. Klaus was bored and impatient, while Caroline was reading the program and excited and Rebekah was looking around anxiously for Marcel.

"Well, this is off to a bad start. Your first big date together in public after I gave you my blessing, and he stood you up." Klaus said.

"Klaus, don't be like that." Caroline said in a warning tone.

"Something must have delayed him." Rebekah defended Marcel.

"Or, now that your elicit affair is out in the open, he finds the whole relationship a tad lackluster and has run off to Havana with a showgirl." Klaus teased Rebekah.

"Don't be such a toerag. I'm going to check the lobby."

"I'll go with you and see where's Elijah. The show is about to start, after all." Caroline said excited, so they both left, leaving Klaus alone.

Someone enters the box and sits down, behind him. That person was no one other than Mikael. He pokes Klaus with his white oak stake against Klaus's back.

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