66. "I'm in love with you"

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Caroline's POV

I spend an amazing morning with Brad but I couldn't help but think about my relationship with Brad and his friendship with Olivia and my relationship with Nik.

Brad said that his friendship with Olivia it's just like mine with Nik and that didn't comfort me much, actually just made me more alert but I couldn't say that because then he would think I was cheating on him with Nik... Also, knowing that he had an attraction for another girl and that it's nothing more than an attraction and maybe a strong bond, doesn't relieve me as much as he thought... I mean, there's chemistry and bond, something else might be going on, right? And there's a reason why things can be so tense between me and Nik, we used to had a thing but Brad was always just friends with Olivia... having all that and the prediction didn't help much...

My relationship with Nik was always complicated because I had feeling for him since we were human but then I got to know Richard and then I turned and realized that my feelings for Klaus were still there and have been for thousands of years. The truth is that I probably won't ever stop having these feelings for Nik but we tried and didn't work out... Although, lately he has been showing me his vulnerable and caring side that I haven't saw for a long time. There was this one time that I need someone to talk and Nik decided to stay with me instead of dealing with some witches like he had plan... He was putting me first and it felt really good. What am I saying? I'm with Brad not with Niklaus. I shouldn't even think about this.

"Hello, Love. I saw Richard 2.0 leaving."

"His name is Brad and we spend the morning together."

"Let me guess. You two talked and he convinced you in giving him a chance to prove the prediction is false."

"We did more than talking..." I said to myself but because Niklaus was a Hybrid, he heard me.

"Oh, so you two... already..."

"We didn't plan on having sex. It happened. But it's been a month since we got together and we still hadn't done it. I have needs." I defended myself.

"I guess things are great between you and the wolf boy."

"They are."

"Did he at least explain why he come here only today and not yesterday when you were sad and really needed to talk to him?"

"He said that he thought that I needed some space so I could process everything." I said then found myself smiling and saying. "It was very cute of his part, don't you think?"

"I think he was a coward to not be there for you when you needed."

"Don't be like that. He is a good guy."

"You are starting to sound like Rebekah."

"What does that suppose to mean?" I asked because I knew that it wasn't good.

"It means that Rebekah also said that same thing about many other guys and only got her heart broken." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"There's always that chance but we can't think like that. If I thought like that I would never felt love again. And we would never had gotten together."

"And I would not lose you..." He said to himself.

"Nik... we broke up but you still have me."

"Yes... But now I'm yours and you are Brad's. I love you and I will wait for you but you can't expect for things to be easy for me."

"Of course they aren't easy. Do you think it's easy for me to have you saying that you'll wait for me while I'm with someone else? Do you think it's easy for me to be there for you but try to not lose control over the situation so things won't get awkward? Do you think it's easy to not be able to talk comfortably with your best friends because used to be your lover? This is hard for me too! Don't you dare to even think that you are the only one who's trying hard to handle this." I snapped at him. "I love you. I've loved you since I can remember. I fall in love with you when we were humans and then when we became vampires those feelings just got more intense. But I try to deal with it."

"Are you still in love with me?" He asked.

"I'm not going to do this. I'm with Brad and we are in a serious relationship."

"Are you still in love with me?" He repeated. "I am still in love with you. Maybe more if that's possible. Every day it passes I seem to love you more and more and... You are the only one who made me see how was the feeling of being in love instead of liking or feeling attracted."


"I'm in Love you. I've been in love with you since we were humans and I knew that it was love when we kissed for the very first time. In that moment I knew I would never feel for anyone how I feel about you and now here we are... thousand of years later and I'm still in love with you." He said with his hand now on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "Now can you look me in the eyes and tell me if you're still in love with me?"

"Hello! Is anyone here?" We heard a familiar voice coming from the living room, making me leave the kitchen and Klaus following him.

"Elijah!" I smiled and hugged him.

Thank you Elijah for giving me a way out of that conversation with Nik.

"Hello, Caroline!" He said hugging me back and after broking the hug, looked at Nik. "Brother..."

"Brother..." Nik said with a smirk and hugged his older brother.

"So... how have you been?" I asked when they broke the hug.

"Very good, actually. I found someone from my past... we reconnected and we are now very happy."

"Who's the lucky lady?" I asked curious.

"Katerina." Elijah said and we saw Katherine getting in the Quarter.

"What?! She made me wait 500 years to break the curse. She ruined everything. She's our enemy."

"She might be yours but she's my love."

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