56. Carebekah & Klefan

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No One's POV

After awhile of Caroline walking around the streets of New Orleans, she decided to talk with Rebekah because she truly needed an advice or just someone to listen to her without judging.

After Rebekah got rid of Stefan, she made Caroline go to her room where they could talk without anyone listening to their conversation.

"What happened?"

"Brad and I are on a break."

"What? Why? When did that happened?"

"It was today, but we kinda had a fight yesterday. All this was because he feels like I don't really want him and that he can't handle being with someone who chooses to be with Klaus to lecture him about killings instead of spending time with him. I tried to explain him that Klaus and I are just friends but he didn't listen to me."

"Well, you and Nik have this strong bond that makes me doubt that you guys never were a thing..."

"We are just friends. Klaus and I were always just friends." Caroline lied because it was hard to explain what kind of relationship she had with Klaus when her friend was in a coffin.

"If you say so..." Rebekah said but she noticed there was something her friend wasn't telling her about. "What aren't you telling me?"

"I have this friend that I used to spend some time with and that we used to be intimate but we were never official... well, today I saw him and we kissed. I was vulnerable and he was there... I am an awful person. It's been less than 24 hours since Brad and I got in a break and I kissed another guy. I'm an awful person."

"Who's this guy?"

"That's what you're focusing on? I cheated on Brad! I was sober and with perfect conscious of what was happening and I kissed the guy. I'm a horrible horrible person."

"Care, you're being over dramatic. You and Brad are on a break. Breaks are for people figure out what they want. Now what you need to do is to figure out if that kiss meant something or were you just vulnerable." Rebekah said.

While Caroline was talking with Rebekah, Klaus was talking with Stefan in his office.

"Klaus, you are going on and on and you still haven't really said what was going on." Stefan said tired of listening Klaus talking vaguely about whatever he wanted to talk about.

"There's a woman that I have feelings for."

"Should I prepare the tissues and put on Taylor Swift so we can be talking about relationships? Oh wait. That's what girls do." Stefan said. "Sorry. I've spend too much time with Kol lately."

"Can I talk or are you going to act like Kol? Because if I wanted that I could just call Kol. Stef, I need to talk to you, my best friend, my brother." Klaus said and Stefan nodded, realizing whatever Klaus wanted to talk about was truly important.

Klaus took a deep breath trying to figure out how he should start and how he should tell him what's going on without revealing the girl was Caroline. Then he had an idea.

"So... I have been going to a bar quite often and I've end up spending some time with the bartender. I have feelings for her and one time we hook up but then we fake that nothing happened and she eventually got a boyfriend. Yesterday they got in a fight and today I saw her and she told me that he asked her for a break. I tried to comfort her but then she ended up kissing me... twice. The first time was because she felt very vulnerable and we had agreed on not doing that again and I didn't want to get her using her vulnerable state and explain her why I rejected her but then she kissed me again, then thanked me because she need that. I don't know what should I do?"

"She clearly still has still feelings for you but you should give her space because she seems to be in need to figure out some stuff." Stefan said.

"But what should I do until she figures it out? I want to be there for her and be her friend."

"You just need to give her space and if she needs, she'll come to you." Stefan said. "I just can't believe a girl made the big bad Hybrid be like this. She must be really something."

"She is..." Niklaus said, thinking about Caroline and the times he shared with her. He lived for thousands of years and never met someone like Caroline Forbes.

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