Nightmares and Daydreams/The Second Battle of Chicago

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ID: Whitfield, Noah

Status: Alive, Neutral

Location: Irving Park, Chicago, IL

Date and Time: September 10th, 12:05 am


I didn't see how I could sleep after everything that happened that day. My ears still rang from the noise of the gunshots that echoed throughout that room. However, there I was, letting my thoughts run wild without control. 

What if they tried to attack in the middle of the night while we were trying to rest? Would Monika, who was on lookout duty, be able to alert us in time? Surely she would. Everyone trusted her to be able to defend herself before we could reach her in time to help. 

What was bugging me the most was Austin and that machine. Only Pops knew how powerful he was going to become by the time we face each other again. Would I be able to stop him? 

Would anyone be able to stop him? 

"Noah," Natsuki softly spoke to me. She had to sleep on a pallet next to the recliner due to Nathan not being able to move from the sofa. Well, he could move, but we strongly advised him not to. "Are you okay? I'm sensing bad vibes." 

It amazed me how Natsuki could read me like a book. She didn't even have to look at me, yet she sensed how my mind was running and knew that I could use comfort. 

"I'm fine," I answered her after a few seconds. "I just can't sleep." 

"When can you?" she said half-jokingly before sitting up. She crawled beside the recliner's armrest and rested her arms and head on it. She gazed at me. "Seriously, what's the matter?" 

I shook my head. "There are so many questions in my head that won't leave me alone." 

Trying to find more words to say, I couldn't bring myself to speak. Natsuki placed a hand on my arm and began to rub it. 

"Take your time. I'm here to listen." 

I sighed and shook my head again. "I'm scared, Nat. If I couldn't beat Austin then even with Maricana's power, how will I be able to beat him in the future? There's no way I'll be able to take him on if he gets stronger." 

She put a gentle hand on my cheek. "You won't be alone, Noah. We're going to be with you no matter what happens. If you fall, one of us will pick you up while the others protect you from any more danger." 

I gazed into her eyes, which were full of sincerity. "What if someone gets hurt?" 

Natsuki lightly smiled. "So what? Everyone here is willing to put our lives on the line to make sure that doesn't happen. If it does, we'll do what I just told you; we'll pick them up when they fall and protect them from danger." 

I didn't say anything, but we maintained eye contact. Natsuki leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips before releasing me. 

"It's going to be okay, Noah," she said. "We're with you." 

My eyesight began to get fuzzy. Natsuki said something else, but her voice became distorted and quiet. The next thing I knew, my vision went dark.


I woke up on the familiar white platform, but it was clear that something was off. Instead of white mist, there was an ominous dark orange mist that surrounded the area. I stood up and looked around. 

There was a dark humming noise that resembled the machine from the Institute. It was coming from under the platform. When I took a step, a set of white stairs appeared that led down towards the humming. 

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