A Second Chance (Part 2/2)

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It felt like my life was in slow motion as I watched in horror as the Ferris wheel came soaring down. I watched it slowly begin falling on top of us, but Jacob's voice snapped me out of the trance. 

"Whitfield! Get your shit together and let's go!"

Right. Ferris wheel falling on us. We should probably move. I grabbed Natsuki and Sayori's hands and rushed away from them. I risked a glance behind me and I saw Jacob with Yuri and Monika.

My mind began running. How would we not get gunned down? We didn't have a choice. The ferris wheel would certainly kill us if we didn't move. There was a chance that the bullets could miss us. 

We kept sprinting as the ferris wheel got closer. Gunshots continued to roar behind me, but I continued to stay on my feet. Sayori's hand began to lose its grip on mine, however, I made sure not to dare let go of it. 

"N-Noah!" I heard Sayori whimper.

I yelled back at her. "Just a little longer! We're almost there!" 

Gunshots continued to fire from behind us. I glanced beside me again, and Jacob was still hanging on to Monika and Yuri. 

Finally, a deafeningly loud crash came from the wheel behind us, and I fell forward from the impact. The six of us rolled for a bit before I rubbed my head. I felt something wet coming from it, and blood was seeping out from my hairline. 

Looking around, all six of us were still alive. Suddenly, a man draped in a work suit slowly walked up to us. 

Carl made eye contact with me. His black, slick-backed hair glistened in the moonlight. "You're supposed to be dead." 

I stood up and sneered. "I'm not going down that easily." 

He then pointed a gun right at my forehead. I watched as the many soldiers that had infiltrated the state fair gather behind him. I knew I had to act wisely or else I'd find myself right back in the bed with Maricana watching over me, this time with potential visitors. 

Carl sneered back at me. "Having second thoughts?" 

I slowly raised my hands in surrender. Carl's wicked smile grew wider. 

"Good decision," he said, and he motioned downward with his pistol. "Turn around and get on your knees." 

"Noah..." Natsuki said, and her tone sounded as if she was worried. 

I slowly turned around and dropped to my knees. Jacob was staring at me with widened eyes. However, I winked at him, and his expression turned from fear to slight confusion. I felt metal slide across my wrists, and I realized that Carl was handcuffing me. 

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I felt power begin to surge through my veins and time began to slow down to almost a halt. I then spun around and unsheathed the pocketknife that I always kept with me in case situations like these happened. 

I sliced Carl's throat and ran towards the group of soldiers. I grabbed four hand grenades that each of them had and unclipped them one by one as I threw them separately into the group. I quickly made my way back to where Carl held me hostage and exhaled. Time resumed to its normal speed. Carl suddenly dropped limp and four separate explosions went off behind him. 

Carl wheezed words out as I let him fall beside me. "What...did you do?" 

I placed my foot right into the lower part of his jaw and pointed my beretta in between his eyes. "Never underestimate the power of an angel. Now, where's your buddy?" 

He gritted his teeth as his skin visibly began to turn pale. I could tell that he was losing the blood flow to his brain. "He's...dead. You killed...him." 

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