The Institute

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Harsh language ahead! Read at your description! :)

ID: Whitfield, Noah

Status: Alive, Determined

Location: The Loop, Chicago, IL

Date and Time: September 9th, 1:23 pm


"Good luck, Monika," I said as the girl hopped out of the car. "You've got this. Radio us if you need anything."

It was obvious that Monika was nervous by the way she smiled. I wanted to turn the car around and give her more reassurance, but there wasn't much I could do. I knew that Monika was the kind of person that wouldn't cower away from something this critical.

We drove to drop Sayori off next. She seemed very enthusiastic once we parked in front of the entrance to the park.

"Good luck, Sayori," Jacob said. "Buzz us if something happens."

She saluted us with a goofy smile and bounced on her toes. "Yes sir! Good luck team!"

She closed the door and I started to drive off once Nathan climbed into the back seat. Jacob leaned back and glanced in my direction. "She's nervous."

I nodded without hesitation. "For sure. That's what she does when she's nervous."

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Yuri asked with concern, then started to backtrack on what she said. "I-I'm not doubting her, it's just-"

I looked at her through the rearview mirror. "When it comes to helping people, Sayori excels over all of us by a marathon. She might be nervous at first, but once she puts her mind to something, she'll go above and beyond for all of us."

"He's right," Natsuki said with a smile. "That's our best friend. We have to put some faith in her."

It was a bit of a struggle to drive to Maggie Daley Park, where Natsuki was stationed at. Traffic was starting to back up at the stoplight connecting the two parks. Once we got through, however, I noticed a mini golf course on the west side of the park. I could see children with their parents hitting the ball and celebrating their success. I sighed, and Natsuki leaned forward in the seat and rubbed my shoulder.

"You trust me, right?"

I nodded and turned into a street that connected the entrance. "Without a doubt. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I get it," Natsuki said. "But this is something we have to do. If I don't, all of these people's and children's lives could slip out of my hands. I won't be able to live with that guilt."

I pursed my lips and bowed my head. It wasn't that I didn't want her to go, it was that I couldn't be there for her in case things went south. I shook off the feeling and parked beside the entrance.

"I believe in you," I told her. "You know what to do if something happens."

Natsuki smiled at me. "I do. Now go, you still have to drop Yuri off and get back to the Institute. Good luck, guys."

She waved and ran into the entrance without looking back. Jacob put a hand on my shoulder and nodded without saying anything.

"We should hurry," Nathan said with urgency in his voice. "There's no telling what they're planning."

"I know," I said as I sped further south to Grant Park. "I'll get us there quickly."

Once we dropped Yuri off, Jacob climbed out with her. He could tell that she was nervous, but I watched him cup her face and talk to her before getting back in the car.

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