Can I Trust You?

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ID: Whitfield, Noah

Status: Alive, Neutral

Location: Uptown Chicago, IL

Date and Time: September 8th, 4:11 pm


"What really happened in that apartment?" 

Jacob and I looked at each other. He shrugged. "There's no point in hiding it now. We should tell him." 

"You can trust me, Noah," Nathan said, and his eyes showed sincerity. "I want to help you." 

I leaned back in my seat. "Give me a reason to trust you." 

Jacob snapped his head to me. "Noah, this is serious. This might be what we've been looking for. You can't let this opportunity go to waste." 

"I know that," I said without looking at him, keeping my gaze on Nathan. "What's the harm in being sure?" 

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Jacob shake his head. Nathan slowly nodded, however. 

"I understand where you're coming from," he said. "I can tell that you all have been through a lot. You've lost friends, battles, and just recently your home. I can give you what you guys have been missing ever since Crystalline's fight, and that's an old friend you can rely on. I won't ask for anything else other than your trust." 

I pursed my lips, and Jacob wheeled his chair over to me. "What's causing you to be so cautious?" 

"How can I not be?" I asked him with desperate eyes. "We've almost lost everything. Where are we going to sleep safely? How are-" 


The two of us turned to the voice, and it was Yuri. She gave me a hard stare that reminded me a lot of the early stages of the game. The shy, introverted, and bashful Yuri that now was a strong, beautiful, and reliable best friend had spoken, and her words meant everything. 

She closed her eyes and turned her head to avoid eye contact. "I like to believe that I know a lot about trust. Understandably, you have several reasons not to trust Nathan, but he has shown sincerity and promise in his words. My opinion is to trust and allow him to help us out." 

After she had finished, she placed her hands in her lap and looked down, clearly embarrassed. The choice was obvious. If Yuri of all people, who spoke with confidence, could feel as strong as she did about Nathan, then I had to give him a chance. 

At last, I looked him in the eye. "I hope you understand why I can't blindly trust you." 

"I do," Nathan answered. 

Another few seconds passed, and I stood up, to which he did the same. I extended my hand. "Will you join us in the fight against time?" 

Nathan took my hand without hesitation. "I won't let you down." 

We embraced Nathan with nothing but love and friendship. Natsuki punched my arm and smiled at me. "About time. You had me worried for a minute." 

I shrugged. "I had to be dramatic about it. You can't blame me."


Current Location: Irving Park, Chicago, IL


An hour and a half later, Nathan offered us to stay at his house until our apartment was rebuilt. He lived about twenty minutes west of his office building. It was a small house, but none of us had any reason to complain since we didn't have to sleep in the car that night. 

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