Take the First Step, Monika!

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ID: Whitfield, Noah

Status: Alive, Determined

Location: Irving Park, Chicago, IL

Date and Time: September 9th, 11:30 am


"Let's get it." 

For the first time in what felt like forever, the group had something to look forward to. There was a long stretch where we didn't know if we'd even make it to this point. Here we were, looking each other in the eyes with a newfound determination, not even knowing what was going to happen after today. 

I was to the point where I was ready to do anything if it meant giving the group the peace they deserved. We worked so hard to be able to be where we are today. For almost three years, we went through the hell that was the game only to be shot back to our reality. With help from Maricana, I put my life on the line to take down her sister. Afterward, we met Spencer only to have to kill him in the end. Then we returned to Chicago with broken memories, going through the same events all over again. 

The rest was history, and this was only the next chapter in the story. Will it be the last one? I couldn't say for sure. 

I scanned the group once more. Everyone looked ready, which meant I had no choice but to be the same. It was my responsibility to lead this group to victory, and that's what I plan on doing. 

"Well?" Nathan asked me. "Are we ready? Does everyone have their weapons?" 

Was I? I had to ask myself that question internally. Was I ready to march into another battle, having no clue was what going to happen? 

I shook my thoughts away. We had a plan that was going to work. I had to trust that Maricana will help me lead the squad to victory. 

Smiling, I put my fist out. "I'm ready." 

We bumped fists, gathered our things, and walked out of the door. Nathan turned to me. "Are we taking two vehicles or one?" 

"I think taking one is the better option," I answered. "That way if we have to retreat, we all know where to go."

We climbed into the car, and I started the ignition. Taking a deep breath, I put the car in gear and backed into the road. Once I got to the main highway, I glanced in the rearview mirror at the group, who looked ready to fight. 

Monika always sat in the far left seat if I turned around to look behind me. Her eyes were closed, but it was clear her mind was running wild. There was no telling what was going through her mind at the moment. 

Besides Monika, Sayori was staring in front of her through the windshield. We made eye contact and she gave me a smile that helped ease my thoughts. I smiled back.

Next to her, Natsuki looked anxious. She was bouncing her leg and fiddling with the radio. I wanted to calm her mind, but I didn't know what to say. 

Yuri, meanwhile, had her elbow rested against the door and stared out of the window. Her eyes looked tired, maybe bored. She showed no signs of anxiety or stress. I wondered what was going through her head. 

Nathan had to sit in the very back. He had his back turned to us, but it was obvious that he was getting his mind ready for what was about to come. 

In the passenger seat, Jacob looked relatively normal. He was sitting with his arms crossed rotating gazes from the windshield and the window. 

It reminded me of what Jacob and I talked about last night. I made a promise to him that he would see his sisters after we made it through this. It was determined to keep it, no matter what it took. Seeing him in pain always made me feel like I was forcing him to stay and put his life at risk for me. Jacob, however, was the kind of person that made his own decisions when it came to personal judgments. I had to trust him that he was okay. 

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