Throwing all caution away from himself, Jin walked back to the window quickly, gripping onto the curtains. It only took Jin normally two seconds to pull the curtains back all the way and he was only pulling one back. He should have been able to do that in the time it would take for Jimin to cross the room. Jin had miscalculated. His fingertips had barely brushed the white cloth before he was harshly yanked away and taken to the floor. Jin sucked in a pained breath as Jimin got him on his stomach and then pinned him down with a knee to the back of his neck. It was painful to even move and so Jin went limp, his jaw slacking open in a silent, openmouthed cry of pain.

"No, you may not look out the window." Jimin's voice was raspy above Jin. The sound of it made a shiver run down Jin's spine. Jimin shifted his weight, as if feeling the slight movement.

Jin was still willing to push the man a little farther, "Why?" he grimaced immediately after as Jimin shifted all his weight onto the knee pinning Jin to the floor, causing a painful ache to begin thudding in Jin's neck and back, going all the way down his spine.

A sigh. Jin was hoisted up, hands clamped behind his back as Jimin held his wrists together in a strong grip. Jin squeaked at the action but otherwise was able to keep himself quiet. Jin was forcefully walked back over to the bed where Jimin deposited him, throwing him forward onto the mattress, stomach and face down. Jin was about to scramble back up when the wind was knocked out of him with a swift hand from Jimin. The gang member had quickly thrust the palm of his hand into the middle of Jin's back, basically pushing his face back down into the covers.

"Good little bitches don't ask questions." Jimin grunted as he pushed Jin farther into the covers with another hand on the back of his neck, "I should put that mouth of yours to better use than asking stupid things."

Jin started to panic and anxiety pooled hot and heavy in the pit of his stomach once more when he felt Jimin slide his body weight onto his back. The man was perched on his ass, hands still firmly pushing his face down in the sheets and barely allowing his head to be turned to the side to where he could actually breathe. This was arguably worse than the way Taehyung and Namjoon had straddled him. At least he could see their faces, however uncomfortable and tense the situation was. But Jin was blind here, helpless while Jimin sat on top of him as the hostage was unable to move and barely able to get enough air in his lungs to stay conscious.

It was a power move, plain and simple. Jimin had chosen Jin to be face down so he would feel helpless and afraid. Jin was a hostage – however pretty to gaze upon – he was lower than Jimin and lower than all the others. He was barely needed if at all. Namjoon had decided to keep him a bit longer, still unsure of when and how to release him or if they would at all. And if they were going to keep such a pretty little thing, Jimin needed to make sure he understood the roles. He was expendable and only useful to a point. He needed to learn to obey and if Jimin had to break him, he would – and gladly.

Jimin moved his hands from Jin's neck up into his hair, fisting his hand and taking in the way Jin gasped and groaned. He had more control of Jin's head this way. There was something so special about being in so much control. It gave Jimin a rush to know he was in charge and he was powerful. Seeing Jin beneath him, helpless and mostly pliant made a grin spread on his lips as he yanked on the hair experimentally. Jin's breath hitched and he whimpered... it was turning Jimin on and he needed to be careful to not just ruin the poor thing then and there.

"Jimin, please..." Jin whined, trying to pick himself up or at least turn around. He was met with Jimin sliding down to his thighs and a harsh slap delivered to his backside. He yelped, going still. Jin didn't hear the chuckle that had issued from Jimin as he watched the cheeks jiggle ever so slightly from his slap. He knew the skin had to be tingling and burning slightly and wished he could just pull Jin's jeans away to watch as the red bloomed from the slap on his ass.

"Who said you could call me by my name?" Jimin yanked on the hair in his hold, basking in all the little sounds leaking from Jin's mouth.

Jin answered quickly and breathlessly, "I'm sorry..." Obviously he had severely miscalculated Jimin's patience. The man had been so quiet and avoidant for the past few days Jin had foolishly believed him to be more talk than show. It surprised him how much remorse he could feel in a situation where he had just decided he didn't care. He hadn't cared about Jimin's warning, pulling him away from the window, at the moment but he certainly cared now.

The same hand that had slapped his ass was now massaging the soft cheeks as the other clenched and unclenched around Jin's dark locks, "I think it's time someone taught you a lesson. And RM and J-Hope aren't here to save you this time, pretty boy."


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Things are getting intense, no?

Nine chapters left and maaaaaybe an epilogue

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