Chapter Twenty Nine

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The wind was whipping at Virgil's hair. His whole body felt like it was charged with electricity. The dragon beneath him seemed to match his power. The dark prince soared up to the opening in the clouds, being blown back by an exhale of breath from the snout of the beast coming through the portal-like opening.

They were tumbling back down to the earth before Virgil pulled up sharply with a growl, turning back toward the portal. His eyes widened as the mouth opened to release a deep laugh. "What is it you plan on doing here, little one?" the beast asked, voice shaking his body.

"KICKING YOUR ASS BACK THROUGH THAT PORTAL!" the dark prince yelled, standing up on the back of the dragon and raising his hands.

He had no idea what he was doing, but he focused on the image of closing the portal. His hands began to glow bright purple in a way he'd never seen them light up before. The edges of the portal began to glow similarly. Virgil suddenly let out a gasp, feeling a surge of intense pressure on his body.

"What the hell..." he breathed, keeping his hands raised. His whole body shook with energy as he continued focusing on the portal.

How do I even know if what I'm doing is actually doing anything?! he screamed in his mind. This could all be for nothing!

The dark prince looked toward the edges opening, eyes widening as he realized whatever he was doing was beginning to work. The size of the portal was starting to shrink, but as it did so, the pressure he felt began to turn to pain. He gritted his teeth, biting back a cry.It was then that he wished he knew how his magic worked. This whole process would be easier, or maybe even avoided if he'd learned how to harness his powers, but instead he was here, desperately trying to keep a sinister dark mage from coming back from the underworld.

"Come on... come on..." he muttered. He glared at the snout of the massive dragon. It seemed to be trying to push through the portal. "You can do this..."

Virgil was panting and shaking as he continued to try and close the portal, now fighting the intense pain that came with the exertion of so much power as well as the dragon's attempts to push through the portal. He squeezed his eyes shut, but that was a mistake. The beast trying to come through the portal made a short lurch forward, slamming into him and his dragon. He gasped as the impact broke his concentration, making the dragon disappear from underneath him. The force of the blow sent him hurtling toward the earth. His eyes were barely able to stay open with the wind and rain whipping at his face; all he could see was the swirling clouds and the snout of the dragon getting further away as he got closer to the ground. He squeezed them shut and fell unconscious as pain shot through him.

Roman saw him fall, heart lurching in horror as he pushed his stallion to run faster. Luis and Thorn were almost right behind him as the three of them rode toward the center of the clouds. There was the sound of cracking branches as something hitting the ground as the prince arrived at the scene. He let out a gasp, jumping down from his horse and rushing to his side.

"Virgil! Oh my god, Virgil," he choked out, as he checked the battered looking dark prince for a pulse, sighing in relief as he found one. It was weak, and blood was dripping from several places. It was a miracle he even survived the fall, but Roman chose not to question it given he was still alive at the moment. "THORN! He needs you right now!"

The princess was already running to him, kneeling down beside him as well. "Lay him on flat on his back," she instructed. The two princes, as Luis had joined them, did as they were told, guiding the unconscious Virgil to lie down flat.

"What do we do now?" the younger asked fearfully, not taking his gaze away from his older brother's face. "How can we help?"

She just shook her head. "Just be quiet, alright? I have no idea how much I can help him," she told them, fear making her voice shake as she raised her hands. Thorn squeezed her as closed as she clenched her jaw, hands beginning to glow.

Luis backed off slightly, giving her space to work, but Roman gripped Virgil's hand tightly. Please, please open your eyes, Virgil, you're going to be alright, okay? Please, he mentally pleaded, looking up at the portal above them. The dragon wasn't making much progress in its attempts to get through, seemingly not in a hurry now that the person trying to stop it was on the ground in critical condition.

The wounds of the dark prince's body glowed with the soft red that was emanating from Thorn's hands, slowly closing up. The princess gasped, collapsing as she dropped the spell. Luis caught her, holding her close as they looked toward Virgil.

"He... He should... He should just need... to be woken up..." she managed slowly, clearly out of breath and exhausted from the spell.

Roman nodded, gratefulness in his gaze as he squeezed the dark prince's hand. "Virgil? Virgil, wake up," he said. When there was no immediate response, he shook him gently and spoke louder. "Virgil!"

His eyes snapped open with a gasp. He was panting for breath and as he sat up, he whimpered in pain. "I c-can't do it, I can't d-do it- can't! I can't do it!" he choked out, gripping his head in pain. "E-Everything hurts! I can't- he's t-too strong! I c-can't!!"

The prince's heart broke upon hearing the pure terror and panic in his voice, pulling him close and petting the back of his head. "Shh, shh shh... breathe Virgil, breathe," he murmured as calmly as he could manage. He began to listen to him, taking deep breaths in and releasing them slowly. "Good, now listen to me... you can do this, alright?"

"But what if-"

"No 'what if's," Roman said, cutting him off as he pulled away to hold his face and meet his gaze. "You can do this, okay? I know you can, Virgil. You're so strong, and so brave, you can do anything you want. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and you can do this."

Virgil's eyes were wide as he took in his words, nodding slowly. The prince offered a sad smile as he helped him to his feet. The dark prince took in another shaky breath, raising his hands and forming the dragon again. He was about to mount it when Roman stopped him, pulling him into a brief and gentle kiss. When he pulled away, he smiled and met his eyes.

"Go get 'em, Virgil."

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