Chapter Twenty Three

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Virgil felt like his skin was crushing him, choking out a strangled breath as he was violently pulled back into the dark castle. There were dark, misty hands grabbing at him everywhere they could reach, their touch burning in a way that made him cry out in pain. He collapsed to his knees as they dropped him in front of the figure.

"What were you doing?" he questioned threateningly as the dark prince scrambled away the best he could. "Answer me, Virgil."

He whimpered as his hand grabbed his chin, pulling him to look him in the eye. "I-I w-was just t-talking to R-Roman," he cried, tears starting to roll down his cheek from pain and fear. The figure's grip loosened slightly. 

"What were you talking about?" the figure asked, voice clearly warning. 

"T-The g-gardens at h-home," Virgil said, meeting the soulless black eyes of the figure with his own tearful brown ones. He looked absolutely pathetic, sobbing as he let go of him. He curled in on himself, his chest aching from the hands. Tremors of pain and twitches went through his body, making the figure turn around and return to the Virgil in the real plane. 

The dark prince watched him go, eye lids feeling heavy from the amount of exhaustion and pain that his body was registering. Stay awake, Virgil, he warned himself, eyes fluttering back open as he tried to get to his feet. You need to find out what this figure is having you do, then you need to warn Roman.

He managed to stand, making his way slowly toward himself. "S-So, what e-exactly am I-I doing?" he asked cautiously as the figure looked at him. 

"You're summoning the great Dorchadas, master of dark magic banished to the After-Realm by mages who feared his power," he explained, smiling slightly as he looked up at the increasingly purple and swirling clouds. "With his help, you'll never be hunted down for your magic, because the dark mages will rule the earth once again. All those in hiding will be able to come out of their holes and rise up to the glory of him. He'll protect and rule all."

"What will he do to all the kingdoms?" Virgil dared to ask,  fearing the answer. 

The figure was smiling now, devilishly. "They have a choice. They can either bow down and obey him, or he'll destroy every last one of them," he said with a deep chuckle. 

Virgil felt like he'd been kicked in the chest with the difficulty he felt breathing. He remained as composed as he could manage as he nodded in understanding, saying something to please him and keep the figure convinced he was one his side. His whole mind was screaming about everything going wrong. He made an excuse to leave the room, knowing he had to warn Roman. His hand found the necklace as he ducked into a bedroom of the castle, clutching it tightly as he let out a shaky breath. 

Please be asleep, he thought as he closed his eyes and focused on the prince. 

"Virgil, please come back."

His eyes snapped open to find himself in the gardens. He was standing behind the prince, gasping upon seeing that he'd successfully done it again. "Roman!" the dark prince exclaimed as he turned around, running forward to hug him tightly.

"Virgil! What happened!? Are you alright?!" he questioned, squeezing him before pushing him away to look him in the eye. 

He shook his head quickly, feeling the lingering effects of the pain in his body. "No! Things are not okay!" Virgil exclaimed, speaking quickly. "You have to get to me, and you need to stop me as fast as possible! This figure thing is making me summon some dead dark magic dragon guy who's going to take over the world if he comes back!! I can't do anything to stop myself! H-He's got complete control of what I do! You have to stop me!"

Roman's eyes widened as his heart started to race. He was talking too fast. Things were happening too fast. He wasn't even sure what the dark prince was suggesting. "Virgil-"

"You may have to kill me," he said suddenly, gaze hardening as he looked forward. The weight of the situation hit him as he set his jaw. If he couldn't be stopped by any other means, they'd have to kill him to prevent the mage from coming back. It would be the sacrifice of one life to save millions; an easy decision. He met the prince's horrified brown eyes. "Promise me you'll do it if you can't stop me otherwise."

"W-Wait now, hold on, there's no c-call for that kind of talk," he stammered, putting his hands on his shoulders. "We're going to f-figure this out. Everything w-will be fine."

Virgil put his hands on the side of the prince's face, meeting his gaze intensely. "Promise me, Roman," he muttered, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "Promise me you'll do it. I'd rather die than let anything happen to you, or Luis, or Dad, or your dad, and just promise me... please..."

Roman looked as though he was about to cry as he solemnly nodded, reaching up to pull their heads together. They rested their foreheads against each other, both of their hearts racing despite their seemingly calm demeanour. Some many things had gone wrong so quickly since the Prince of Cliste arrived in the Kingdom of Croy. What they had expected to be another annual festival, had now turned into a fight for the world evidently. 

Virgil let out a breath as he recalled what Dorchadas looked like. "He's massive..." he murmured fearfully, shuddering as he remembered his gaze. The prince watched him as he described it. "When I saw him... I just thought he was a monster or something... but then the figure told me he was one of the mages, and I was feeling a strange urge to listen to him, and obey him. He's terrifying..."

"There's a reason he was banished, I guess," Roman replied, masking his own fear the best he could. He looked up to meet the dark prince's gaze, which was still breathtaking. He smiled a little as he commented on it. "Your eyes are still beautiful, Virgil..."

He blushed but smiled bashfully. The smile faded as he looked back into his. "I'll have to savor looking into yours incase it comes down to it," he said sadly. 

"I don't want to hear that kind of talk," Roman said firmly, making his eyes widen. "You are not going to die. I'm not going to have to... do that. We will stop this together. We always figure things out together, don't we?"

Virgil nodded, looking down sadly. The prince frowned, pulling him by the chin to look up. "Hey," he said gently, as their eyes met again. "It's going to be okay."

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