Chapter Eight

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The rest of the day went as planned, but as evening arrived, Virgil began to get more and more worried. It was often harder for him to stay calm at night, which meant the odds of losing control of his powers went up. Prince Roman was by his side, which was helpful but also hurtful. The Prince of Cliste helped him keep calm and his powers by extension were easier to control. However, the thoughts of him discovering his horrible secret kept crossing his mind, which made it hard to remain calm.

"What a lovely party."

Virgil's blood ran cold as he looked in the direction of the familiar voice. Sure enough, the black figure was moving around the room, completely unseen by the guests. He looked in Virgil's direction though, smirking.

"Come now Virgil, you could make it even more interesting! Show them your power!" he said, voice enticing and alluring.

Virgil shook his head, clenching his hands into fists to stop their shaking. He couldn't talk back, the other guests would think he was crazy. He could only try to avoid looking at him, though he was making that incredibly difficult. The was suddenly a hand on his shoulder, making him jump as a familiar voice spoke.

"Virgil? Hello? You okay?" Roman asked as he looked at him with wide eyes. His breathing was quick and shallow, making the prince worried. "The queen asked you a question, are you alright?"

Wait, she asked me a question? I didn't even hear her speak! What was the question?! he thought in a panic as the figure held his gaze. "M-My apologies, but I must excuse myself for a moment," Virgil said quickly, implying that he needed to use the restroom. He made haste as he left the room, panting as he closed the door behind him.

"Boring, why don't we spice things up?"

The dark prince looked up to see the figure snap his fingers. He felt drastic and sudden surge of panic overwhelm him as he gasped out. His whole body was racked with shivers as he shook and collapsed to his knees. Virgil's vision was going spotty as he fought to stay calm. He was losing control, his hands turning black as cold air blew around him.

He bit back a scream as pain and panic overrode his system. The dark prince managed to make it to his feet, able to stand only because the wall was there. He squeezed his eyes shut as he breathed in and out painfully.

"W-What the hell did you d-do to me?" he gasped out, talking to the figure. He simply laughed deeply and disappeared, leaving Virgil to cling to consciousness the best he could.

"Prince Virgil?"

The dark prince froze, sucking in a deep breath. He straightened up, not taking his hand from the wall but not leaning against it. He ignored all the sensations and the fact that his hands were still black as he cleared his throat and turned around.

"Yes?" he replied, fear shooting through him as he recognized the king who'd been responsible for the commotion last night. "Your Majesty."

He was looking him up and down suspiciously. "Your presence is missed at the celebration, and your father isn't pleased," he said, grabbing his wrist. "Come with me."

Virgil's breathing was labored as more and more thoughts and sensations rushed through him. His hand on his wrist felt like it burned. He wanted to cry out, and he wanted to scream. He wanted Roman. He wanted Luis. He wanted his father. He wanted out.

The king pulled him back into the room, drawing attention to them as he led him towards his father. The eyes made everything worse. Virgil felt like he was going to pass out as he struggled against the grip on his wrist. King Patton looked up from his conversation as the king approached him with his son. Everyone, in fact, looked in their direction. It wasn't every day you saw a king dragging a prince by the wrist who looked like he was insane.

"King Patton, I found your son absent from the party having snuck away," the king snapped, jerking Virgil forward, still holding his wrist. "This is most disrespectful!"

"L-Let g-go of m-me!!" Virgil cried, desperately trying to pull away from him. He couldn't breathe. He could feel cold winds blowing.

Patton's eyes widened as rage flowed through him. "Release my son this instant," he commanded, looking outraged. Roman was making his way over, along with Luis, both looking horrified and worried.

"You're hiding things from us, your Majesty," the king retorted, not letting go of Virgil's wrist. There were tears running down his face now as his attempts to get away became more and more desperate. "You tell us nothing but lies! You tell us your son is normal, yet he sneaks away in the middle of celebrations! He yells at his higher ups and storms out of the room during a banquet! When are you going to tell us the truth?!"


Virgil wasn't in control as his black hands turned darker and his nails turned to claws. A dark cloud coated the room, making the room cold and dark as the panicking prince threw the king across the room with strength he didn't know he possessed. There were gasps and screams as Virgil collapsed to his knees, panting and shaking as crackles of purple lightning flashed above them and black mist swirled around him.

King Patton and Luis watched in horror, knowing there was nothing they could do now. The younger prince started crying, hiding his face as his father hugged him tightly. He knew all too well what came from Virgil's lack of control.

Roman's mouth had fallen open as he stared at the dark prince on the ground. He was in shock; he was scared for him, worried, confused, and horrified.

The king across the room wasn't killed by the impact, as royals helped him to his feet. He looked furious but also triumphant. "I knew it," he spat as he stalked toward Virgil. "He's a monster!"

The dark prince managed to get to his feet as he looked from his hands to the scared faces of the royals, his family, and most of all, Roman. He couldn't breathe. He could barely stand. He couldn't stop shaking. He had no other options as thunder rumbled from outside.

Virgil ran.

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