Chapter Sixteen

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Roman's whole body felt tense as they stopped to rest the horses. With there being three of them and only two horses, Luis had offered to ride with Thorn and give his horse to him. He noticed the awed look in the young prince's eyes when he looked at her, making him smile a little to himself as he looked down at his sword. His hands tightened around the handle as he let out a breath.

Everything had gone so wrong so quickly. It seemed to finally be hitting him as he recalled all the disasters that had happened over a span of three days. This was real, Virgil was actually a mage; not just any mage either, a mage of dark and storm magic. Those forms of magic were only heard of in legends of old, told as fairy tales on occasion because dark magic hadn't been seen in centuries.

Never seen, but perhaps always still here, Roman thought to himself as he traced the engravings on the hilt of his blade. I hope Luis it right about Virgil wanting to see me. I have to talk to him, and help him stop this storm before the royals start hunting him down like an animal. That really won't help things.

"Roman? Are you alright?" Thorn asked, eyeing him as he jumped at her voice.

He blinked a few times as he readjusted to the world around him. "It's too quiet..." he replied, realizing why he was so bothered as he looked at the clouds above. "It's not raining, there's been practically no lightning, just those black clouds. I don't like it..."

"What do you think it means?" Luis questioned, looking up worriedly.

"This storm reacts directly to how Virgil feels and thinks," he explained, standing up. "I'm certain of it. When he lost his temper at the dinner the king brought up marriage unification, there was a crack of lightning when he snapped. It had been pouring when he ran away, and the lightning was intense. It seems the more upset or anxious he is, the worse the storm gets."

Thorn's face changed to one of realization. "So why is everything calm for the most part?" she asked with a nod of understanding. The prince nodded as he frowned at the sky.

"What's happened, or happening to him? Why would he be so calm?" Roman muttered, unable to contain his worries. They got up and started gearing up to get going again. "It's unsettling to think that something's going on with Virgil that we don't know about."

The dark prince had his eyes closed as the figure took his hands. "Open your eyes," he said. Virgil obeyed, gasping as he realized they weren't in the castle anymore.

"Where are we?" he asked as the figure let go of him.

"We are in between reality and your mind," the figure said. "This is the easiest place to learn to control your powers. Now, concentrate on making it rain."

Virgil closed his eyes, pleasantly surprised when soft droplets of rain hit his face. He opened his eyes, smiling as he looked around at the rain. "Amazing!" he gasped.

"Virgil watch out!"

He turned around as a man with a mask tried to stab him. He yelled out as he threw his hands out, piercing through the man with a black magical spike. The man disappeared, disintegrating.

"W-What the hell?" Virgil managed as his heart raced. 

The figure circled him, narrowing his eyes. "You need to be able to defend yourself, so best learn how to here," he explained, making a motion with his hand to create another attacker. He then created more, chuckling a little. "Fight these guys off. If you die in this realm, your body will die in the real world as well."

"What?!" he gasped as the attackers ran toward him. He threw up his arms as one of them threw a knife at him. Virgil's eyes widened as the knife stopped and flew back at the attacker, an invisible, electrical shield around him. "Whoa... I didn't know I could do that."

"There's a lot of things you don't know you can do..."

He ignored the voice as he fought off the attackers, his eyes glowing purple as his instincts took over. The dark prince's hands were black and his nails were claws as he slashed and fought off the men. By the time he'd defeated them, he was panting and looking down at himself in shock. His eyes flickered back to brown and he found himself back in the castle.  

"Whoa..." he breathed. The figure was behind him smirking and impressed. Virgil smiled at him, feeling more comfortable. "Thank you, I'm grateful for your help. I'm actually feeling better about my magic-"

He was cut off by the sounds of screeching and yelling. His eyes widened as he seemed to remember where he was, what was happening, and what had happened. "Who is that? What's going on?!" he exclaimed as he rushed down the stairs of the castle toward the entrance. The figure was calling to him, telling him to stop as he threw open the doors.

In the forest outside, were four creatures Virgil had never seen before. He assumed they were the guardians of the castle the figure had spoken of. There were three people fighting them, making his heart race and his breathing get out of control. The wind picked up and the rain started to fall, stinging his skin as he began to panic. "R-Roman?!" he gasped, backing away. 

Though he hadn't heard him, the prince dodged to the side and looked up toward the castle. His eyes widened as a breathless smile spread across his face. "Virgil!" Roman yelled.

The distraction was horribly timed; one of the beast hit him across the clearing. He cried out painfully as he hit a tree's trunk and crumpled to the ground. He looked up hazily, seeing Virgil retreating into the castle. 

"Virgil..." he mumbled as he passed out. 

Prince Luis and Princess Thorn gasped as they were overrun by the four creatures. They managed to get Roman onto one of the horses and get away, heading back to the kingdom as fast as the horse could. 

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