Chapter Twenty Six

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All Virgil could feel in that moment was Roman's lips on his own. He didn't feel the pain or the panic of everything that was happening. He was suddenly in control, the figure screaming and disappearing completely. The prince pulled away, watching as Virgil's eyes fluttered open. They were brown, dark brown; the almost black brown of dark chocolate.


Roman couldn't even get a word out before the dark prince kissed him again. He brought held his face gently, smiling into it as he felt tears of joy slip down his cheeks. When they pulled away, Virgil hugged him so tightly he almost had difficulty breathing.

"You scared me," Roman joked gently as he hugged him back. The dark prince didn't respond, simply about to collapse with relief. "For a second there, I thought my Virgil was gone... I don't know how I could live without you."

They pulled away from their embrace to look into each other's eyes, pressing their foreheads together. They didn't move or speak, just taking in the fact that the other was really there. It wasn't until a loud rumble came from the sky that they pulled away.

Virgil's stomach dropped in horror. "Oh no..." he breathed, running to the balcony. "Oh no! He said I was too late. He's coming anyway, and it's all my fault. This is all m-my fault..."

"Don't say that," Roman said, pulling him by the arm to face him so he put his hands on the sides of his face. "Listen to me, this isn't your fault. He was manipulating you. You didn't choose this."

"B-But I should've known b-better- should've know that he wasn't t-trustworthy," he said, looking down as tears started falling. "I am a m-monster, Roman..."

The prince felt his face fall in despair, pressing their foreheads together as he cried. "No, you're not," he murmured. "I stand by everything I said, because it's true. We'll figure this out, together okay?"

Virgil was about to reply when loud banging came from outside. The looked toward the noise, Roman suddenly remembering he hadn't come alone. "That's the search party. They must've beat the guardian things and are trying to get into the castle," he said, thinking out loud.

There was a fearful look in the dark prince's eyes. "They're coming to kill me..." he murmured.

"What? No, no, no one's going to hurt you," Roman said, trying to reassure him.

He just shook his head a little looking down. "I can feel it. The rage, the fear, the bloodlust," he said softly. "It's like I have this feeling... I just know that's what they want."

"I'll go talk to them. I promised they wouldn't hurt you," Roman said, touching their foreheads together briefly before dashing off.

Virgil was left standing in the dark castle, looking out at the storm. He could hear the shouts and the banging of the castle doors below him, feeling time slow. He noticed everything was strangely quiet without the figure talking to him. He let out a shaky breath as the reality of everything crashed down on him.

Roman won't be able to stop them, the dark prince thought, knowing they would stop at nothing to see to it he was eliminated. I've nowhere to hide this time... I'm running out of time...

He let out another breath as he looked at his shaking hands, which were slowly turning black with his fear. Fear had caused all of this; his fear had driven him away and allowed himself to be influenced by that figure, an echo of his darkest thoughts. Death was his consequence for allowing his fear to control him. It made sense, given that all the pain and fear he and others felt was caused by him.

They're right about me... he thought solemnly. It's finally clear to me what they had been seeing. I'm a monster, something that simply destroys and ruins everything around it. Maybe I've always been...

Virgil flinched at the sound of the doors again. Prince Roman was desperately trying to calm them. "Please men! Listen to me! No harm is to come to Prince Virgil! He's done nothing wrong!" he told them.

"You're delusional if you believe that!" one of the men snarled as they ignored him, continuing their attempts to get the doors open and shoving the prince back.

I started this storm, I have to find some way to stop it, and the spell its carrying, Virgil thought to himself as he looked out at the clouds. If I run, I live, but would the storm follow me? Would the spell come with me? Perhaps I could reason with this mage? Or...

The dark prince's eyes widened. If it was his spell, what if he did die? If he was killed, would the spell be stopped?

As if his magic knew his thoughts before he did, a sharp black dagger appeared in his hands. It seemed to whisper to him, to kill the monster and save the people. Virgil stared at the blade, his mind breaking down and creating illusions of the people he cared about that knew of his secret since the beginning. He looked up to see his father and brother. The dark prince stepped toward them.

"Father, you've always known and done what's best for me," he murmured at the shimmering illusion. "If I die, will everyone be freed from my mistake?"

The king didn't reply, given that he was a figment of his mind. Virgil turned to the illusion of Luis, fiddling with the dagger in his hands. "Brother, what if... what if after I'm gone the storm continues... and the spell comes to fruition anyway?"

There was no response once again as the dark prince bit down on his lip, looking at his reflection in the blade. His gaze fell to his black hands, realizing what he had to do.

"No..." he muttered, tossing the blade away. "I have to fix this."

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