Chapter Five

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Virgil clung to Roman like he'd drown if he let go, tears still dripping down his cheeks. He relaxed a little when the prince ran his fingers through his hair though, subconsciously moving closer. "T-They think I'm insane..." he whispered, hiding his face in his chest.

"You're not insane, Virgil," Roman told him softly. "They're small minded snobs, concerned only with how they'll benefit from something."

"But I-I yelled at everyone! If they didn't like me before, they probably h-hate me now," the dark prince said, shaking a little.

Roman frowned sadly, rubbing his back. "You don't actually care what they think," he told him gently, earning a head shake from him. "I didn't think so. Why worry about what they say?"

"They want my father to unify his kingdom with one of theirs," he mumbled. "I'm next in line, so I'm the one that would have to marry should he want to..."

That made both of them quiet, both feeling their hearts in their chests as fear prickled along their skin. "I d-don't want t-to lose y-you..." Virgil whispered, hiding his face as he cried. Roman's chest ached to see him like this, wanting to fix everything, but knowing this was out of his hands.

The dark prince was growing weaker and weaker, falling asleep. He sighed, carefully slipping out of his arms and picking him up. Roman gently laid him on his bed and pulled the blankets over him. He couldn't help playing with his bangs for a brief moment. "You won't," Roman murmured to him as he held one of his hands.

After a few minutes, when the prince was sure Virgil was asleep, he stood up and left the room. As he closed the door behind him, he turned to see his father, King Patton, and Prince Luis approaching him. "Prince Roman, is he-"

"He's alright, your Majesty," he reassured the worried father. "He's extremely upset with what happened in the dining room, but he's fallen asleep."

Patton sighed in relief, patting the prince on the shoulder. "Thank you, Roman," he said, sincerely. He nodded with a smile as if to say 'of course'. "Excuse me, I'd like a word with King Logan."

The two of them shared a brief look before they headed off down the hallway, leaving the two princes standing in front of Virgil's door. Luis wouldn't raise his head, keeping his gaze lowered. It bothered Roman, who frowned at the sight. "Luis, what's wrong?" he questioned, concerned as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"I should've said something," he said, sighing. "What kind of brother just sits there and lets his brother being attacked by practically strangers?"

Roman frowned even more, seeing vulnerability in the young prince. "You can't blame yourself for this, alright?" he told him. Luis looked up in shock, eyes wide. "This isn't your fault, and isn't my fault either. I could've said something too, but I didn't. That doesn't make what happened my fault. It's the people who said those things that are to blame."

"Okay... you're right..." Luis murmured, looking down. "Thanks, Roman."

The prince smiled as he withdrew his hand. In another room, King Logan closed the door behind himself. Patton was pacing, rubbing his head. "Patton-"

"What am I supposed to do? They're all going nuts over the idea of unifying with my kingdom, and Virgil- oh my god, what about Virgil?! He's so stressed and freaked out as it is with all the guests, but now he has to be worried someone will try to court him! He'll have a breakdown if a bunch of girls start trying to flirt with him! What am I supposed to do?!"

"Patton, breathe," Logan instructed, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him from pacing.

The king looked at him in dismay. "They are right though, I can't keep ruling on my own if Virgil isn't going to take a spouse any time soon," he said, looking down. "What if something happens to me and he's forced into a corner? He'd be unprepared to rule. I... I haven't really been teaching him this stuff yet because he has other issues that are much more important, which I know sounds ridiculous, but it's true. Luis knows a lot though... still, I can't rule alone forever, and unifying with another kingdom wouldn't be a bad idea..."

Logan blinked, looking down at his hand. Taking a breath, he reached out to take it, earning a soft gasp from the other king. "We could unify ours..." he suggested quietly.

"Logan..." he murmured, lacing their fingers together. "You know we can't... Roman and Virgil are completely helpless for each other. If we were publicly together, they'd technically be step-brothers."

The other king sighed, but pushed again. "They didn't grow up as brothers, they're not related by blood, I don't see why that would be such an issue," he muttered, frustrated.

"I know, and I agree, but... I don't think the other kingdoms would share our point of view," Patton said sadly, reaching up to touch his cheek. "I don't want to risk war... what if you got hurt?"

"What about you?" Logan asked, looking more and more upset. "You're already hurting because of all this, and I despise seeing you like this. I just want to make you happy again..."

Patton smiled sadly as the king leaned into his hand. "I know Logan, but I'm always going to put Virgil's happiness over my own," he said, with a sigh. "I can't help it, it's a father thing."

"I know," Logan replied, looking at his feet. "I understand, of course. I don't want it to be true, but I understand."

Patton nodded and pulled away from their close interaction, heading for the door. Logan didn't follow at first, lost in thought. The King of Croy turned back to him, one hand on the door handle as he smiled. He used his free hand to blow a kiss in King Logan's direction; a motion that resulted in a beautiful, magically created flower landing in his hands.

"Don't worry, Logan," he reassured with a smile as he stared at the flower in awe. He looked up to meet Patton's eyes as he continued. "We'll always have each other behind closed doors."

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