Chapter Thirteen

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Virgil's eyes opened once again, finding himself standing in front of a mirror. He looked different. There was black under his eyes. He wasn't wearing his normal suit, but rather an outfit he'd never seen before. Instead of his purple and silver suit, he had a black shirt and pants. His boots were now taller, going almost up to his knees. The most noticeable change in his wardrobe was the cape that he'd somehow gotten. The collar went up to his cheeks and as he looked at himself from the back, his eyes widened at the design. The black cape had a purple storm cloud on it, with lightning spreading from it.

"Like your new look?" the figure asked cockily from behind him. Virgil didn't say anything as he reached up to check for his necklace, sighing in relief when he realized it was still there. "Yeah, I figured you could keep that, maybe it can be a trophy for when you kill him."

The dark prince glared at him with hatred, making the figure look surprised. "Oh, someone's angry, aren't we?" he said. "This new look suits you much better."

Virgil released his necklace and threw his hand forward, a blast of purple lightning shooting from his hand at the figure. He dodged it, looking genuinely surprised as he continued attacking him. "Leave me the hell alone!" Virgil shouted, shooting lightning blast after lightning blast, feeling charged by the energy in the castle. The dark figure ran, dodging his attacks as he chased him.

What he didn't realize was that he was doing it on purpose, stopping in front of a massive black crystal in the center of a large room. The dark figure smirked as Virgil shot a blast of lightning at him, disappearing and letting the blast hit the crystal. He let out a gasp as the purple electricity crackled around the crystal, making it glow. A purple beam shot into the air and something shook the ground. The dark prince fell to his knees until the shaking and the beam stopped.

"W-What the hell did I just do?!" he yelled, looking at the figure as it smirked down at him.

Roman fell as the ground underneath him shook. He looked up to see a purple beam shoot into the sky, thundering sounding loudly. His eyes were wide as his heart rate sped up. Out of nowhere, a massive black castle appeared in the distance as the beam disappeared.

"What the hell?" he said to himself, getting to his feet. "I guess I know where Virgil is."

The prince started running toward the castle, determination to find him fueling as he went. The rain was stinging his skin and his legs were aching, but he kept going. Suddenly there was a horrifying roar that seemed to echo all around him. Roman had to cover his ears as he fell to his knees, the sound being painful.

He gasped as the sound went away, uncovering his ears and looking around. His blood ran cold as a low growl rang out from the darkness of the trees around him. Roman snapped his fingers to make the flame grow so he could see.

"What the..." he murmured as his eyes widened and fear shot through him. He made the motion of unsheathing a sword, summoning his sword. The blade appeared with a small burst of fire.

The sword would prove extremely important as the creature that made the sound emerged completely. It appeared to be a massive black animal of some kind. Not a dog, not a bear, but something in between, towering over Roman. It took him only seconds to realize it had two heads. The prince's heart was in his throat as he made a silent prayer that this thing wasn't about to kill him.

It screeched again and lunged at him, making him dodge to side quickly. He winced at its noise, which threw him off balance. The creature whipped around and hit him across the clearing with its claws.

Roman gasped in pain as he hit the ground, letting out a hiss of anger. He got to his feet, readying his blade. When the creature lunged again, he ran forward to meet it. He sliced its leg, making it cry out in fury and pain. His blade was made to cause a burning sensation in the skin it sliced. Roman had cut his finger on it once and his whole hand had felt like it was being pressed against an oven.

The creature recovered quickly, lashing at him with its claws. He didn't dodge quick enough, getting raked across the shin. He cried out in pain, stumbling as he held his now bleeding leg to his chest. The creature was bearing down on him, screeching as it readied to kill him.

Roman's heart raced as fear of death kicked in. He couldn't die now. What about Virgil? What about their kingdoms? What about their future together?

I'm so sorry Virgil, he thought as the creature opened its massive mouth. I'm so, so sorry...

He closed his eyes and waited for the pain, but it didn't come. The creature let out a cry, and suddenly wasn't above him anymore. Roman opened his eyes to see that it had been kicked by a horse. Two horses were standing in front of him, rearing and pounding the creature with their hooves. The riders leapt from their backs, brandishing weapons. The creature cried out, being hit with so many things at once. It retreated into the forest, whimpering.

Roman could see spots with the pain in his leg as one of his mystery saviors rushed to him. "Roman! You're hurt! Oh my god!" Prince Luis gasped, kneeling down to holding him.

The person he didn't recognize rushed to his other side and placed a hand on his leg. Roman winced at the pressure.

"Thorn! What are you- whoa..."

Luis' eyes widened, and the pain in Roman's leg started to fade. Thorn's hand glowed red as she closed her eyes. The scratch healed under her touch right before their eyes. The prince sat up, blinking as his leg returned completely back to normal.

"Thorn, you have healing magic!" Luis gasped, smiling in awe of the princess as she removed her hand. She nodded as she smiled at him.

They helped Roman stand, pulling him to his feet. "Thank you, for saving me," he said, smiling at them gratefully. Prince Luis returned it, but Thorn was busy looking where the creature had disappeared.

"Yeah, we're glad you're alright, but what the hell was that?"

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