Chapter Seventeen

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Patton didn't want to move; he just wanted to stay there and allow Logan to hold him forever. He felt at home in his arms, like he could let his walls crumble just for him. He buried his face into the king's shoulder as he sighed heavily. Logan noticed his unhappiness, reaching up hesitantly to pet his hair. When the tired king gasped and sighed again, relaxing into it, he knew he'd done something good. They just stayed there, holding each other until they heard loud commotion coming from below them.

The kings looked concerned as they pulled away, both nodding and heading for the door immediately. They ran through the palace, reaching the courtyard, where all the chaos was coming from. They soon found out why.

Two horses rode into the courtyard, one carrying Prince Luis, with Prince Roman unconscious across his lap, and the other carrying Princess Thorn. Logan gasped and ran forward as the two younger royals carried Roman in between them.

"He took a bad hit from these weird creature things," Luis tried to explain as he examined his son. "Thorn can heal him, but we had to get away from them first."

King Logan looked at the princess. "You're a healer?" he questioned. She nodded confidently. "Good, let's get him inside."

Patton accompanied and assisted them as they brought Roman to his guest room. They laid the prince down, all of them looking alarmed when he coughed in his sleep. Thorn took a deep breath and outstretched her hands. "He's been hit pretty badly," she said as they started to glow. "E-Even once I've healed him, he'll need to recover."

The younger prince in the room looked at her with concern upon hearing her voice waver. She looked like she was in pain as she healed Roman; the wounds on his body disappeared along with the glowing in her hands. Thorn blinked a few times as the kings started to look Roman over. She was suddenly falling backwards.

"Thorn!" Luis gasped, catching her.

She was breathing heavily, and her eyes were half closed. The kings looked over in concern as she tried to stand up on her own. "S-Sorry for the scare," she managed. "I'm fine, just d-drained."

"You're not fine," the prince replied in annoyance, earning shocked looks from the kings in the room. "Come on, I'm taking you back to your room. You need to rest."

"Luis, I'm f-fine," Thorn said as she attempted to walk. She failed, falling into him again. She looked frustrated as the prince gave her a look. "Fine..."

Luis helped her as they left the room, leaving the two kings to look over Roman. "Do you think he'll be alright? I never should've let him go out there," Logan worried, pacing the room. Patton gave him a sympathetic look, but smiled as he looked over the prince.

"He'll be fine, Logan," he replied, standing up to stop his pacing. "And you didn't let him go out there. He would've gone regardless of the conditions, because he's a young man in love."

Patton chuckled as the other king smiled. "You're right about that one, there's not much that can stop one of those," he said as he began to relax. He sighed as he looked at Roman again. "He's extraordinarily stubborn."

"Well I know where he gets it from," the other king replied with a giggle as Logan looked back to him.

"Hey!" he exclaimed indignantly. They shared as smile as they sat down to wait for Roman too wake up.

"CALL THEM OFF!" Virgil yelled as he ran back into the castle. "Tell those things to stop!!"

"I can't, I'm not even actually here," the figure said, approaching him. He tapped his forehead as he spoke. "I'm up here, remember? Either you figure out how to call them off, or they don't stop."

The dark prince ran back to the doors, gasping as he opened them again. "T-They got away," he murmured with a relieved sigh. He glared back at the figure, who looked bored. "Couldn't you have told me how to call them off?"

"What's the fun in that?" he replied with a chuckle.

Virgil's face fell as tears started to well up in his eyes. The figure's eyes widened as he started crying pitifully. "I-I knew I c-couldn't trust y-you and I d-did any way, b-but you don't c-care about m-me or my f-friends! N-No one cares! That's why I'm alone in this stupid castle! B-Because no one cares!!"

He was speaking fast and getting more and more worked up. The figure actually looked concerned as he kept yelling. "No one cared that I was freaking out at the party, which you caused might I add! No one cared that I just wanted to leave! I just want things to go back to how they used to be!! I want my f-father!! I w-want my brother!! I w-want Ro-"

He couldn't even bring himself to say his name, not sure how badly he'd been hurt. Virgil fell to his knees, sobbing as he gripped the necklace. The figure rushed to his side, feeling somewhat guilty.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't- I..." He was at a loss for words as the dark prince in front of him cried his eyes out. They could hear the storm outside thundering and the wind howling as it escalated with Virgil's panic. The figure bit his lip; this wasn't going to work. "Virgil, give me your hand."

"N-No!!" he snapped, jerking his body away from him. "S-Stay away from me!!"

"Virgil, I'm sorry, now give me your hand," the figure insisted, taking it by force. "Relax..."

The dark prince felt a strange tingling sensation throughout his entire body, making his eyes snap open. "W-What are you doing to me?"

The figure shushed him gently. Virgil suddenly found himself tired, his eyes falling shut. His body fell back as his eyes opened again in a different place. It looked like the garden of the palace, making his heart ache for home.


He jumped upon hearing a familiar voice, turning around to see none other than Roman. The prince smiled at him and stepped close reaching up to hold his cheek. Virgil felt his breathing hitch at the contact, missing his gentle touch.

"Roman..." he murmured, leaning into him.

The prince gasped, hugging him but pushing him away to look him in the eye. "Did you just- did you just talk?" he asked with wide eyes. Virgil was uncomfortable, but nodded. "What the- wait, how are you here? Are you here?"

"W-What?" Virgil asked, looking scared. "What do you mean?"

"I'm asleep right now," Roman explained. "I'm dreaming. I-I dream about you a lot, but you've never talked before. It's that weird thing about dreams where it feels like no one's saying anything. So the fact that you're talking means you must be here!"

The dark prince looked confused. "What do you mean 'here' though?" he questioned as Roman's hands moved from his shoulders to the sides of his face.

"You're actually in my dream right now!"

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