Chapter Ten

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Roman's eyes fluttered open to darkness despite it being the morning. He was confused, and his mind was still hazy of last night's events. That was, until he got out of bed and opened the curtains. His eyes widened upon seeing the dark clouds that coated the sky. They were as black as a night sky, and thought it had stopped raining, there were flashes of purple heat lightning. "Oh my god..." he breathed. "That's right. Virgil!"

He heard a whimper from behind him, turning with a small gasp as he saw Luis tossing and turning, crying in his sleep. The prince rushed to his side, fear and worried over taking him as the younger prince started rambling. "V-Virgil- please! N-No! Dad!" he cried. 

"Luis! LUIS!" Roman shouted, shaking his shoulder. The action was enough to wake the younger prince.

He shot straight up in the bed, sweating and crying as he panted for breath. Luis looked at Roman with wide scared eyes. "R-Roman?" 

Before the prince could respond, he hugged him tightly, still crying. Roman was confused and concerned, but squeezed him tightly without hesitation. Luis was rambling on about an accident, seemingly pleading. 

"Luis..." he murmured once the prince finally calmed down. "Luis, are you alright?"

He shook his head as he pulled away. "I-I'm sorry," he muttered, wiping his face. "I should probably tell you now that you know about Virgil..."

"Tell me what-"

Before Roman could continue, he took off his shirt. This didn't cut him off the same way Virgil had; instead of being flustered, he was horrified. Luis had a scar that ran from the back of his neck all the way down to the small of his back. It was jagged and looked extremely painful, spreading like a lightning strike.  

"Oh my god," he managed as Luis looked at him from over his shoulder. "What... what happened?"

He looked down, fidgeting with his shirt. "We were a lot younger and Virgil was getting more and more scared of his powers," he said, voice low. "I... whenever he had an attack, I'd try to talk him down from it, but one time he..."

Roman's throat closed up as he trailed off. "He did that to you?"

"On accident of course!" Luis quickly clarified, seeing the look of horror and disbelief on his face. "He... he wasn't himself, okay? Virgil would never hurt me on purpose. My dad had to pull me out of the spell, which was the only thing that got him to stop. He kinda just... collapsed to his knees, like he did last night..."

Roman looked down at his hands as the younger prince put his shirt back on. "That sounds horrible..." he murmured sadly. 

"It's in the past, but it doesn't stop me from getting nightmares..." he replied. "I just want my brother back..."

The Prince of Cliste hugged him again, rubbing his back. "We'll find him, I promise," he said. "I'm going to go after him, right now."

Roman let go of him, making sure he was alright before leaving the room. Heading to his guest one, he got changed into a fresh set of clothes. He packed a bag, things he'd need for trying to find Virgil. He finished up, looking up to see Luis had entered. 

"Roman, you-"

"Look, I can't wait for our fathers to tell me it's too dangerous," he said. "I have to find him. There's no way I'm letting them tell me I can't." 

Luis sighed, but smiled sadly. "I know, I'm not going to stop you," he explained. "I'm going to cover for you. There's a secret path into the forest from the garden. Look behind the big willow tree."

The prince smiled at the younger, thanking him as he hurried out of the castle unnoticed. Luis watched him go with a worried smile. Sighing, he headed down to the banquet hall where all the royals were talking and arguing. He moved through the crowd, feeling as if he was being watched. 

They're probably all thinking that you're a monster too, he thought, looking down sadly. I wish Virgil was here. He'd tell me I wasn't... He'd tell me I was the best brother he could ever ask for. He'd make me feel better, and he wouldn't even have to say anything...

"Prince Luis, do you have other magic you'd wish to share with us?" one of the royals snapped.

"Yeah, are you just a monster like your brother?" another taunted. 

Luis backed away from them and the other snickering royals. He hid in the corner of the room, crossing his arms and huddling away from them. He just wanted everything to go back to normal. He just wanted Virgil to come back.

"Hey, you okay?" 

He gasped as he looked up, seeing one of the princesses talking to him. She wasn't the stereotypical princess for sure. He wasn't even sure if he'd ever noticed her before. Her hair was short, black with streaks of silver, and spiky, falling over her eyes. Her dress was red and silver, designed with rose vines. Luis felt his cheeks warm and his eyes widen.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine," he managed, looking down. 

She raised an eyebrow, looking him up and down. "Well, I wouldn't have taken you to be straight, if I'm honest," she said.

Luis' head immediately snapped up, jaw dropping. "I-I'm not- I mean- I'm- I'm bisexual," he said, smiling bashfully. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm afraid I don't know your name, your Highness." 

"Thorn will do, thanks," she replied, crossing her arms and glaring at the other royals. "I hate using formalities. Those pricks deserve a good beating, but unfortunately that might upset people." 

The princess swirled her finger, making a rose appear in her hand. Luis looked at in awe, entranced and impressed. Thorn noticed the look and chuckled a little, handing it to him. He gasped as he took it, blinking.

"You're too cute," she said with an eye roll. "Let me know if those pricks try bothering you again."

Luis nodded as she walked away, blushing as he looked down at the rose. A wobbly smile crossed his lips as giggled a little. He wasn't usually so flustered around girls, or anyone in general, but something about Thorn just made him tongue tied. 

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