Chapter Seven

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Having Roman by his side as he walked through the palace was extremely comforting and relaxing. Virgil didn't feel even the slightest bit like he'd lose control like he had yesterday. Still, he played with his necklace; he couldn't stop the smile on his face as he did so, which Roman noticed.

"You're really attached to that thing," the prince said with a smile.

The Prince of Croy nodded as they sat down together. They had gone down to the castle courtyard, where morning celebratory activities were taking place. Virgil found himself leaning his head on Roman's shoulder as he played with the pendant. The prince gasped a little at the motion, but smiled and looped an arm around his shoulders.

"I don't think I ever told you how much I missed you," Virgil mumbled, sighing. Roman smiled pulling him a little closer. "I really missed this especially. Why can't you ever come visit like you used to?"

The prince sighed as he recalled the few times he'd asked his father to visit the Kingdom of Croy. His response had been less than ideal, saying he'd see about it, but he was extremely busy. That would be the only thing he'd say about it, and then he'd forget. Roman never forgot, always waiting until the celebration to see his dark prince again.

"I don't know," he replied honestly. "I always want to see you, and I've asked, but I guess my father's just too busy with the kingdom..."

"Mine too," Virgil agreed, sighing. "I think it's because my mother's not around anymore... it's a lot of pressure to try and rule a kingdom on your own..."

Roman nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think that's what's up with my father too," he said, rubbing Virgil's arm.

It was then that the same thought crossed their minds. What if their kingdoms unified? They could see each other more, and their fathers could work together to rule. Roman looked down at the dark prince thoughtfully. The kings and queens were talking about a marriage unification, he thought. What if... I were the one to marry Virgil? It would bring our kingdoms together, as well as... us.

"You're thinking about last night's conversation, aren't you?" he asked quietly, moving off of his shoulder to look up at him. Roman nodded, meeting his eyes. The dark prince just stared at him for a moment before resting his head on his shoulder again. "It might work you know..."

The prince's heart jumped at his sentence, making him smile. "As much as I would love to just propose right now, I feel like our... relationship is strong because we've moved slowly," Roman said with a little laugh. "That and I don't know how to even describe what we have..."

"Neither do I..." Virgil said softly. They were quiet for a while. When the dark prince opened his mouth to speak up again, he was interrupted by cheers from the citizens. "Oh... right, the magic showcase thing..."

He stood up, waiting for Roman to do the same before heading to the crowd of people gathered in the center. Virgil felt immediately uncomfortable as they began to watch one of the princesses show off her magic. Everyone clapped as flurries of leaves danced through the air with her movements. She bowed and left the stage like area of the courtyard, but not before winking in Virgil's direction. The dark prince kept his gaze low as a surge of unease flowed through his veins.

Next up was Prince Luis, who looked happy to share his water magic. He was graceful in his movements and everyone smiled and clapped for him.

"What about the other prince?" someone murmured as Luis left. Virgil's throat closed up a little as people started muttering about him.

"Everyone knows he doesn't have magic."

"But what if he's hiding it?"

The dark prince looked at his hands, hallucinating that they were turning black as they started to shake. Roman noticed this, getting worried. Instead of keeping his mouth shut, he set his jaw. He stepped out into the center of the courtyard, showing off some fire magic much to the delight of the onlookers. Virgil watched him in awe, momentarily distracted as the prince demonstrated his impressive skills. When he'd finished and audience clapped he didn't leave.

"Before I go, I'd like to clarify something," Roman said, looking at the dark prince. "Prince Virgil does not have magic. This is nothing new, and there is nothing wrong with him. Some people simply don't have it, and that doesn't make them any less special. I'm saying this because your rumors and murmuring is making him uncomfortable. He'd greatly appreciate it if you were more respectful."

"Then why doesn't he say this himself?" the king from last night said, annoyed and skeptical. Prince Luis felt his heart in his throat, praying that Virgil's powers would remain hidden after a speech liked that.

Roman glared in his direction, smirking as he replied. "Perhaps because he knows it's disrespectful to speak against others, especially when it is not their turn to speak," the prince said, approaching the king. When they were face to face, he continued. "It is my turn to speak, and I wished to address an issue that was hurting someone close to me. I did so respectfully and kindly. It might do you well to use this method as well, your Majesty."

There was high tension in the air between the prince and the king. Murmurs started going through the crowd as Roman turned away from the glaring king. He walked back to Virgil, who was watching with wide eyes.

"Come on, let's go," he murmured to the dark prince, glaring at the king in his peripherals. Virgil could only nod and walk beside him as they headed into the palace. There was a ballroom full of people talking and eating while musicians played.

"You didn't have to do that, you know..." Virgil murmured, looking down at his hands as they stopped to talk.

Roman shrugged, looking annoyed though he offered a smile. "It felt necessary to me," he replied. "Despite being a king, he acts like an arrogant prince, which I know nothing of the sort."

This made Virgil giggle as he recalled what the prince was like a few years ago. Roman smirked, having made the comment intentionally. "Is there something amusing about what I said?" he asked, feigning ignorance. The dark prince smiled, relieved that his chest loosened and his hands stopped shaking.

"No, I'm just really happy to have you here."

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