2 - Date At Nozu

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Waiting at the Black Box theatre for Tori, I sat and watched as they put the props in place. I then went on the Slap to check out my notifications, only to see Tori's new tweet first one on top.

Rehearsing a play. I have a MUSTACHE... and I think I like it. :{)
FEELING: Hairy-Lipped 😲

Reading that, I assumed Tori was backstage getting her makeup done. Just then, Beck, Andre, and Sikowitz walked in and he made us go on stage, and start rehearsing.
I sat on the couch, and looked over my script before starting.
"Alright! Jade, you ready?" Sikowitz asked with a coconut in his hand.
"Let's go. "I sighed.
"And action! "
I started to cry, and Beck, and Andre kneeled in front of me.
"What's wrong, Mom?" Andre asked.
"You seem awful upset. " Beck added.
"Don't you understand? Your father's an astronaut. It's his dream to walk on the moon, but now that might never happen because of his narcolepsy. " I explained acting upset.
"What's narcolepsy? " Beck asked with a child-like curiosity tone.
"It's when your always falling asleep, etuven when you're not tired." I shook my head.
"Car door sound effect!" Sikowitz told Sinjin who was controlling the sound effects board.
The sound effect played, then Beck, Andre, and I looked towards the left side of the stage where the supposed door was, and I pretended to wipe a tear before standing up.
"I just heard your father's car! Now, boys no matter how narcoleptic he is you pretend you don't know this. " I say, grabbing their hands, but Beck's held on to my apron.
"Don't touch mommy. "I say, lightly yanking his hang off my apron. I acted as if I was making myself look presentable without tears as Tori entered the stage.
"Hey, Nancy! Boys, " She greeted with a smirk, and a lowered voice. "I'm home. "
Internally groaning, I sighed however in pretend happiness, and kept my hands together with a smile on my face.
"Hi, honey. " I greeted.
"Hey, Dad! " Andre did the same, and so did Beck.
"Hiya there, Dad! "
"Oh, hello Car--" Tori took one step closer to us before falling onto the couch acting narcoleptic. I am somewhat impressed and disappointed that she fell straight on the couch, and not on the floor.
"Oh! " I exclaimed, as Beck quickly moved behind me.
"It's alright, boys, it's alright. Honey!" I called out, shaking her arm. "Honey!"
"I'm up! " She blurted, sitting back up straight. "I'm up. "
I smiled in pretend awkwardness, and rested my hands on my hips, as Tori started saying her lines.
"So, " she stood up. "Tommy, how was school today? " She asked, pointing at Beck.
"I'm Carter." He added pointing at himself.
"I'm Tommy. "
Tori groaned, "What kind of father am I? I'm so darn narcoleptic I can't even tell my own twin sons apart! " She exclaimed in distress.
"It's not your fault, they're identical! Look at them. "I chuckled in sadness as I pointed towards them.
They both smiled, before looking at each other with their smiles wiped off their faces. I turned back to Tori who then placed her arm on my shoulder.
"Oh, Nancy you're so--" She then proceeded to fall on me as part of the scene but the sudden contact caught me off guard.
"Nyahh! Ooh.. "As I try to push her off me, I also try my best to not scream in frustration and keep acting. "Sweetheart! Darling! " I finally push her off me, and I sigh with relief.
"Blast off! " She shouts looking around in pretend confusion.
Once I got a hold of myself, I continued.
"No, no you were saying I'm so.. "I ushered for her to continue, and kept a smile on my face.
"Right, right, uh.. You're so good, gentle, how can you love a sleepy loser like me? " She asked.
"You're no sleepy loser,"I cringed. "you're an astronaut. "
"I love you. "She furrowed her brows, and friendly punched my cheek.
"I love you. "I replied through my teeth.
"Ah! No, you don't. "Exclaimed Sikowitz before leaving his notes aside, and getting up. "Light a candle, Berf this place stinks. "
"I don't have a candle. "He added.
"Then get a better haircut. "Sikowitz snapped.
"You girls are ruining this play. "He said with his arms crossed in frustration.
"Why? " Tori asked.
He looked over at the boys, and said, "Andre, Beck take five. "
They leave off the stage, and he then turns back to us as I cross my arms in irritation.
"This is our fifth rehearsal, and you two aren't getting any better at playing a believable husband and wife-- BERF BE QUIET! " He roared, turning back at the weirdos.
He just shrugs, before Sikowitz turns back to us.
"You girls meet me for dinner at Nozu. Tonight. Seven pm. " He finished before making his way to the door.
Tori speaks up, "I don't wanna--"
"Nozu! " He insisted.
"Wh-why you ca--"
He replied in loud gibberish before pausing.
"At least let us ta--" I was then interrupted by a fast talking Sikowitz.
"SeeYouBothAtNozuAtSevenPm! " He then ran out the theatre, leaving me, and Tori by ourselves in confusion.

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