Graduation Day

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He said, "When you least expect it, Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot. We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster, that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to make yourself feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste! Remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once. And before you know it, your heart is worn out, and, as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. Right now there's sorrow. Pain. Don't kill it and with it the joy you've felt.

Thank you all."

Everyone stood, Christopher could see his family wiping away their tears. Annella blew him a kiss, the principle announced the Roosevelt Class of 2005. There was a red sea of caps flying in the air, Elio had been taking pictures. He had captured many moments but none as heartwarming as Christopher tossing his cap in the air.

Coming toward his family Christopher was enveloped with the love of these people.

"Oh piccino, I'm so proud of you. Elio, take our picture I want to put this on my mantel and show your Auntie. She thinks all of her grandbabies are geniuses but none have been valedictorian like mine."

Christopher stood next to his Nonna as she beamed with pride.

"Momma." Elio tisked at her.

"What? I have beautiful and intelligent grandsons. I will brag about them."

"Come here, my beautiful boy." Oliver wrapped his arms around him. "I'm so damn proud of you!" He choked out, pulling away Christopher could see his dads tear-stained face.

"Awe come on pops didn't you say last night you wouldn't get all choked up and teary-eyed?" Christopher joked.

"I don't think I said that."

Gathering for pictures out on the school lawn Christopher looked around to see if the two familiar faces were lurking in the crowd of people. He still had little hope that maybe just maybe his mom would show to his graduation. But it had been almost a year with no word from her. No postcards, no known phone calls, nothing. He felt a dull pain in his chest when he thought of David when he thought of him now it wasn't a stabbing sensation anymore. He wondered if it meant that his love for David was fading. Everyone had stopped asking him if he was ok, he'd finally been able to be intimate with another person. But he knew in his heart he would never be completely over David.

He had to carry on, this day was about him becoming an adult, he was moving on to college in August and tonight at his graduation party he would tell everyone what University he had chosen.

"Everyone can I have your attention!" Oliver stood in front of the room as everyone that Christopher was friends with and his family.

"Today Christopher is no longer the little chubby blonde wild child, who used to think clothes were optional and thought I knew Indiana Jones. I am very proud of you. It does make me sad that you are leaving the nest a year early but I'm also proud of you for graduating a year sooner. Where ever you decide to go we will support you. Christopher, we love you! Three cheers for Christopher!"

Everyone in the room held up their glasses and cheered for him. Everyone chanted for Christopher to make a speech.

"I think I've already made enough speeches for today. But I guess I can make one more, what can I say other than Dad and Papa you two have definitely prepared me for the world, for the last couple of years you've let me make my own decisions and even though sometimes they aren't the best you support me. Jona man, I'm sorry but all of their attention is on you now, enjoy it, little brother. But I will miss talking to you every day, when I'm off at school I will try to call as much as I can and keep Jude in line while I'm gone. I mean it's not like I'm going to be that far away, I've decided to go to Yale for their undergrad program until I can start becoming a lawyer and not just any lawyer. I want to be a family lawyer, to help protect kids and their families because if these past few years have taught me anything it's that sometimes families need protecting. Thank you all for coming, eat and drink up. It's less we have to take home." Christopher laughed and soon he was tackled by his dad in an enormous hug.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu