Start from the beginning


My eyes pop open in shock. Before me stands a very edible Daniel, holding a steaming plate of bliss goodness. I know I should be jumping for joy, and jumping him right now, but my pregnant priorities are clouding my judgment. My mouth waters just looking at it.

"You made me french toast baby?"

He scoffs. "I don't know. Seems like someone has been having iHop deliver stuffed french toast while a bruh was taking a nap. You don't need MY stuffed french toast. You can have your delivery. Don't worry, I'll take good care of this plate." He turns to walk away.

My mouth drops open in horror. "No nononononono." I stand and grasp his arm. " don't be like that."

"Like what..."

"Like...don't be maaaaad. You were in a coma and our son wanted stuffed french toast. And you were in a coma and I... I was weak baby..."

He starts walking.

I pull his arm. "No nonono wait please?"

He stops and turns his head in my direction.

"I'm sorry... Their stuffed french toast means nothing to me baby. It's yours that I wanted, but I couldn't so-"

"You cheated on my stuffed french toast with some wannabe stuffed french toast from iHop. For real babe. They don't even put the strawberries in the middle. At least cheat with some worthy french toast." He shakes his head in disappointment. "That's grimey babe... grimey..."

I pout. "I know Dani. But I am really sorry. I will never do it again...I promise."

"You dam* right you won't. Because you are going to get your sexy pregnant a** on the phone right now, and cancel that order indefinitely. And I swear if I even see you looking at an iHop..."

"I won't. I promise."

"Well...start dialing." I put it on speaker.

I nod and walk over to the nightstand and pick up my phone. I speed dial iHop. My girl Laiia (Pronounced Lay-ee-ah) picks up. "Hey Bit**! It's about time you called. I was wondering about you."

Laiia Below

Laiia Below

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"Hey Laiia. Umm...I'm calling to cancel my order and to ask you not to deliver anymore."

She gasps. "''re breaking up with me? But...but why?" She sniffles. "Was...was it bad? I can do better. Don't leave..."

I bite my lips. "Look, it was good while it lasted, but I have to let you go. It's for the best. Just know...that your a** better call me on Saturday, or we fightin'."

"Bit** you know I will. Like we are missing that da** sale. Uh nope. And yo pregnit a** better be up and dressed too."

I suck my teeth. "I will, da** Lai! Anyways, Dani is awake and was-"

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