Ch 14: Old Wounds

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Daniel cocks his head to the side. "She left for good, didn't she?"

Kane's nostrils flare.

"I told you she would. What did you expect? That you could dangle yourself just out of reach the rest of her life, and she'd up up with it. She's smarter than that. And frankly, so are you? What the fu**? And now you're upset that she finally decided to stop putting up with your sh**."

Kane goes to tackle him, but Gabe smacks him with the chancla again. "What is it with you two? One of you has some emotional problem and all you two can think to do is fight? Come on!"

"He's only mad because I'm right."

"Shut up!" Gabe yells. "You're not making it better."

Daniel shrugs. "I wasn't trying to."

"You're a di**, you know that?" Kane replies vehemently.

He shrug nonchalantly. "At least I'm not the loser that gave up the woman he loves."

Kane scoffs at him. "We can't all be the Prince that waited years for his princess to return."

Daniel laughs slowly at first. His laugher turns slightly psychotic. "Yeah, but in the end. I got her." He smirks. "I can't wait to see the look on your face when she says 'I do' to someone else." He laughs once more. "I might just photograph the moment and put it on a giant poster. Like a giant meme." He smiles. "I know. I'll hang it in the hallway, so every time you walk by it, you remember the exact moment when you realized, you really fu**ed up, and lost the best thing that ever happened to you."

Kane shakes his head in anger. "I hate you."

"You don't." He pulls Kane's head to his own. "You hate you."

Kane snatches his head away and stands, pacing angrily. He runs his now bandaged hands over his head, mumbling. His mind is racing. His brothers watch him go through a process they are very familiar with.

"What are you going to do?" Daniel asks calmly.

"I don't know." Kane answers back.

"WHAT are you going to do?"

"I don't know!"

"WHAT are YOU GOING to do?"

"Knock your fu**ing head off and then call Shana, and pray she answers."

Daniel smiles and stands. He walks toward Kane and hugs him. "About time you started using your brain.

Kane sags in his arms. "Thanks Nayati." He says with a humorous smile.

Daniel laughs. "You better be glad my middle name means 'he who wrestles' and not something like 'he who lets you suffer'."

Gabe stands and begins to leave. "You two are the strangest people on the planet. I'm going to bed."

"We love you Langundo (peace)." Kane says teasingly.

"Whatever you say Inteus (No shame)." Gabe rolls his eyes smiling, before leaving.

Daniel pushes Kane toward the door. "Go get your girl."

Kane nods in appreciation, and leaves. Daniel looks around at the bloodied punching bag, the bloodied rag on the floor next to the first aid kit, and groans. "I feel like mom right now."


"Mijo! Mucho tiempo sin verte. (Son! Long time no see.)" Dorian says embracing his favorite son. "Todo esta listo. (Everything is ready). Por que no me dejas mandarlo y, luego se lo entregas a Kane? (Why won't you just let me handle it, and then hand them off to Kane?) Facil. (Easy)." He shrugs.

Love & War (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن