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I'm walking in the supermarket getting some more Bunny Trails ice cream. I swear I go through this stuff like water. I'm putting the fifth carton in the shopping cart when...


I look over and see a glossy eyed Paige. Her hands are over her mouth.


She walks up to me and hugs me, trembling slightly. I rub her back. Confused as he**. "What's the matter?"

She pulls back, tears rolling down her cheeks. She sniffles, and hugs me once more. "I'm so sorry."

I pull back and look at her. "For what?"

She looks down, shaking her head. "I...I heard what happened to you, and to Daniel. I'm so sorry. I feel like I should have known. I mean we dated before...and I knew that he could be crazy...but I didn't know he was..." She cover her mouth.

I hug her to me, rubbing her back. "'s not your fault. He had both of us thinking he was some semblance of normal. I don't blame you Paige. I'm sorry too. I heard they tried to kidnap you at gun point, in broad daylight." He pulls back and look at her. "How are you?"

She laughs and sniffles. "I should be asking you that. How's Daniel?"

I smile. "He's alive. In a coma still, but alive at least. And I'm fine, as you can see." I gesture to my almost five month baby bump."

She smiles. "I am so happy for you Alexis. I'm sorry about all the drama..."

I smile back. "Everything happens for a reason. I'm happy for you too. Miles..." I laugh. "Did he tell you he Wimbledon'ed a garter belt at Nahia's wedding?"

She laughs. "No, but Angelo told me."

We share a laugh. She takes tissue out of her purse and cleans her face, still laughing.

"You want to...maybe...grab lunch sometime?" She asks.

I look at her in thought. "Sure. I'd like that."

She nods. "Me too. It was great seeing you. I am so happy that you are safe, and happy, and doing well."

I smile. "Me too. Keep Miles on his toes."

She nods with a smile. "I promise."

We share a hug and part ways. It isn't until I have paid for my ice cream, and gotten into he car that I think...

What is she doing in Miami?

I shrug and keep it moving. Once I get back to Papa Do's I put four of the five cartons away. Grad a spoon and head to our room. My Dani rests peacefully, as I pop myself up next to him and cut Netflix on.

I choose to binge watch the rest of Jane the Virgin. I saw one episode and was hooked.

At some point during my binge-fest I fall asleep.

Thank you pregnancy.

When I wake up, it's after dark. I turn over and my heart stops.


I'm on a bed in and unknown room. I almost begin to panic, thinking Bruce somehow got loose and I am being held prisoner again. But, the heavenly smell of strawberry and cream cheese stuffed french toast caresses the air around me. I moan in hungry bliss. Sitting up with my eyes closed. Basking in it's delicious aroma.

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