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Bruce, Yak and Poe pull into the parking lot of the abandoned motel. They look around. There are a few hobos wandering around. Some huddled near the long broken vending machine. The only source of light is coming from a fire in a barrel, at the center of the parking lot. A few abandoned cars sit idly, clearly used for scraps at one point in time. From the state of the motel, you can tell that there hasn't been any legal residents there in years. Some windows are broken, doors missing, and the building itself has graffiti and buildup coating the once white stucco exterior. Needles, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, beer cans, and other questionable trash litter the grounds.

 Needles, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, beer cans, and other questionable trash litter the grounds

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Bruce flares his nostrils in disgust from inside the car. "Let's get in and get out."

His companions, Yak and Poe nod in agreement.

He looks at the driver. "Poe say in the car. Anyone approaches, shoot 'em."

Poe nods, pulling his gun out of the holster and sitting it on his lap.

"Yak, stay outside and keep watch. Anyone approaches, shoot 'em."

Yak nods.

Bruce and Yak exit the car and look around. Bruce walks toward the motel, looking around for the room number Eagle gave him, but most of the numbers seem to be missing. He hears feet approaching behind him. He cocks his gun, spins and aims. He doesn't pull the trigger. At the end of his gun is a little boy, no older then seven, covered in dirt and torn clothing, no shoes, looking up at him fearfully.

Bruce doesn't lower the gun. "What?"

The little boy shakily points in the opposite direction, points at him, and then points again in the opposite direction.

Bruce lowers his gun and motions for the boy to show him with his chin.

The boy turns and walks rapidly in the opposite direction, Bruce following behind him. They pass a barely standing set of stairs, to the opposite end of the motel near the woods. The boy stops in front of the door and knocks. Taptap fast, taptap slow.

The door opens slowly revealing Eagle. He hands the boy a bag filled with two bottles of water, and random items of food. The boy looks up at Eagle. "Gracias señor." He takes the bag and runs off, leaving Bruce there.

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