Ch 5: My Name is Payback, and I'm A...

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Hey Awesomites and Awesomettes!! I missed you guys.

Thank you all for voting and sharing. It wouldn't let me do two dedications for some reason. Special thanks to queensheeba04 for the comments. You have no idea a blessing those were.

I apologize in advance. This chapter is not...100% meant for anyone under 17. So, if you aren't 17+ skip until you see the line of stars.

"Wake up Lobo." Daniel coaxed me awake, running his hand up my covered side.

"I don't wanna. Let me sleep." I whine, eyes still closed.

A sharp sting on my booty, sends a rousing jolt to my system.

"Woman get out of this bed. We've been here two days and you haven't done what you came here to. It isn't just going to go away. You need to face this."

I groan and turn to face him. Resting my head on my bent arm. "I know."

He strokes my cheek with a gentle thumb. "I'm here with you. Whatever you need. You know that."

I smile a little. "I know."

"And you know, no matter what you decide, I'll support you, right?" He says searching my eyes.

I nod. "Yes."

"Good, get your fine *ss up out of this bed." He says getting up and smacking my *ss once more.

"Ow..." I say pouting and rubbing my behind.

He gives me a look.

I giggle, sitting up. "What? Not every man is as commanding as you are..." I say standing up and stretching, still facing him. Not at all bothered by his roaming eyes scanning my bare legs.

He shakes his head. "More like you've gone soft." He growls, more than says.

I bite my lip, looking at him.

He groans, the drop in octaves twisting my insides. "Don't give me that look Alexis. You know I'll have you on your back before your next exhale."

Air constricts in my chest. My pulse accelerates as aroused rivers of red rush through my veins.

Fu**! I forgot how hot he is when he's horny. Come get it Papi.

The flexing muscles in his jaw and the beast lingering just below the surface of his sight, blanket my skin in caramel cliffs.

How does he always make me feel like this?

He takes a step toward me. The paralytic in his gaze cementing me in place.

"Run." He commands.

My autopilot sends me toward the open bathroom door, but his arm wraps thwarts my advance before I hit the threshold.

Less than a second later, I'm sandwiched between Daniel and my expensive mattress. His kiss short circuits my senses so bad, I forget how to breathe.

"Breathe Lobo." He whispers against my lips.

After a much needed inhale, his lips attack mine again. He pulls back slightly, knowing I'll need full use of my lungs as he grinds my sanity into a fine powder.

I can't stop the lamenting accolades that leave my lips as he adjusts my body's setting to pure bliss.

And he's not even inside me.

I'm lost. Marooned somewhere between delirious and dwindling rationality.

And I'm not sure if I want anyone to save me.

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