Ch 2: Truth Is...

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" know what...whatever...I'm done." I hang up the phone. Tossing it on my desk.

"She wants out... F*** her!" I stand to my feet, straighten out my blazer, and reposition my tie just as my assistant, Deidre, walks in.

"Mr. Black, your 3pm is here."

I nod. "Send them in." I retake my seat, placing my phone in my desk drawer.

I regret that statement as soon as they walk through the door.

"Paige, what the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again

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"Paige, what the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again."

She bites her lip. "I came to tell you Daddy is coming out of the hospital tomorrow. He wanted to have us over for dinner later on this week. I tried to call you, wouldn't answer my calls."

I nod. "Is that all?"

She frowns. "Is everything alright? I know you are always short with me, but you seem exceptionally short with me today."

I exhale, closing my eyes. "It's not important Paige."

"It is if it makes you unhappy. I know you think I am heatless, but I do care about you Bruce. And I know for a fact that daddy will drill you once he sees you. So, whatever it is, you should get over it fast if you don't want him in your business."

I open my eyes to see her seated across from me. "I'm just dealing with a lot right now. I'll be at the dinner. Just let me know when."

She nods. "If you need to talk...I'm here."

"Why? Why are you here if I need to talk?" Annoyance evident in my tone.

"Because. You are the son, my father always wanted. You took care of him when I couldn't. Yes, he has Tristan, were always his favorite. I feel like I owe you, for being there for him when I couldn't afford to be...even with two jobs. Despite our're still family Bruce."

I stare at her in attempt to spot BS. Shockingly, I can see that she means everything she said.

I nod. "You don't owe me Paige. I'm just paying back my dues. I owe him for not sending me to jail, when he had every right to do so."

She smiles, and for a second I forget our past. "Anyways, my problems are mine to deal with. But, thank you for the offer."

She nods with a smile, standing.

"Tell Alexis I said hello, and I am sorry for the problems I have caused in your relationship. I know you love her. She is lucky woman." She then heads toward the door.

Alexis... My chest and head ache just thinking about her.

Don't Black-out.

Before she is fully out the door, I call her. "Paige."

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