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Two years later

"Are you nervous at all?" Sasha says as she fixes my dress. I stare at myself in the mirror and smile. "Nervous? Yes. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don't want anything to go wrong," I say. "Woah," I hear a voice say from behind. I turn around and see Roman covering his mouth with both hands.

Sasha excuses herself, leaving us alone. "I can't believe your getting married today. It was just like yesterday you were punching me cause I wouldn't let you play with me and the twins," he says, getting closer to me. I smile and hug him tightly, shutting my eyes. Roman kisses the top of my head, rubbing my back. "Thank you for treating me like a sister. Thank you for never doubting me and thank you for sticking with me throughout this whole journey," I say, pulling away a bit from him. Roman smiles before wiping away a tear from my eyes.

"Tessa, its time," I hear Seth say by the door. Roman and I look over at him and nod. Seth smiles and walks out. "Well, let's get this show on the road," I say, grabbing my flowers.

I watched Sasha, Becky, Bayley, and Carmella walk down with their partners. I took a deep breathe and wrapped my arm around Roman's arm. Roman looks at me, placing his hand over mine before leaving a kiss on my temple. I smile and look straight ahead. Once the music hit, I walked down with Roman. I saw everyone smiling and being genuinely happy for me. I look at Finn and see his eyes red and his smile was from ear to ear. I couldn't help but start to tear up and remember all the moments we had together.

All the bad and good moments flashing before my eyes and I would have never changed anything. I was marrying my bestfriend, my love, my everything. Once we reached the alter, Roman handed me over to Finn and hugged us both. I grabbed Finn's hands and smiled at him.

"Hello, beautiful," he mumbles to me. "Hey, handsome," I mumble back. "We are gathered here to join Tessaline Anao'i and Fergal Devitt in holy matrimony. Before we start, is there anyone who objects to this please speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest says. We look around and my eyes land on Seth.

He smiles at me, tearing up and winks. "Okay. The bride and groom have prepared their own vows. We are going to the bride first. Tessa?" the priest says.

"Finn. You are my best friend, my confidant. Marrying you is truly my every desire fulfilled. I promise to love you, honor you, and cherish you as my husband. I am proud to be your loving wife, ecstatic to discover what is next in our lives, and thrilled that our every day will be together on this adventure. I promise to celebrate you and your achievements and to support you in your times of need. Together we face the world. When I hold your face in my hands or lean into your shoulder to feel you hold me, I know this is the place I am meant to be for all time. This is the person with whom I am meant to share my life. I love you so much Fergal Devitt," I say, tearing up towards the end while slipping on his ring.

Finn clears his throat and wipes away some tears. "Let me try to top that," he says, making everyone laugh a bit.

"Tessaline. I promise to be your faithful husband. I promise to love you when the sun shines, when the rain falls, in sickness, and in health. When you look at this ring, think of me and remember that I love you always. I will take your love to give me hope, give me joy, and make me a better man. I promise to listen, to hear, and to always consider your feelings and thoughts as we travel together on this journey. I vow to love, honor, and cherish you, forsaking all others, as a faithful husband as long as we both shall live. You are my favorite person, my lover, and my friend. I cherish you above all others. I love you so much more Tessaline Anao'i," Finn says, slipping on my ring.

"Do you, Tessaline Anao'i, take, Fergal Devitt, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest says. "I do," I say softly. "Okay. Do you, Fergal Devitt, take Tessaline Anao'i to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest says. "I do," Finn says. "By the power vested in me, I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Devitt. You may now kiss your bride," the priest says.

Finn smiles widely at me, grabbing my face gently in his before leaning towards me and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing back with just as much passion. I couldn't believe after so many ups and downs with Finn, I ended up being marrying him. He loves me and I love him so much.

"Oh, oh. Two Sweet," everyone chants. I giggle softly before pulling away and grabbing Finn's hand. We turn towards everyone and wave before walking back down the aisle. Once we get into the limo, I hugged Finn tightly. Finn chuckles a bit, kissing my forehead repeatedly. "I love you so much, Mrs.Devitt," Finn says. "And I love you so much more, Mr.Devitt," I say.

Thank you so much for enjoying this story! I'm sorry if the ending wasn't something you expected but I hope it was a happy ending. The reason to why I'm ending this story is because I have not had enough time to write more and the ideas I had went away. But I do promise I will eventually maybe do a book two for this story! Thank you again for enjoying!

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