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You know how sometimes its better to have stayed quiet then have said anything at all? Well that's how I was feeling. Its been a week since I told Roman, Dean, and Finn about what happened and they have been ignoring me.

Roman, my brother and over all guardian, has not been answering my texts. Dean, my bestfriend, has texted me but not like before. Finn, my crush I could say, has not answered me but has seen my messages.

So tonight on RAW, I'm gonna call them out. "Pyro!" someone screams. I cover my ears and shut my eyes. I uncover my ears and walk to gorilla, waiting for my theme to hit.

I walk out, holding the title over my head and smile. I walk down the ramp and slide into the ring, grabbing a microphone.

"Hello, Philadelphia and welcome to Monday Night RAW!" I say, causing the crowd to erupt in screams and cheers. "So today, I'm not here to call out any female talent. I'm here to call out my supposed bestfriends. Oh dear Roman, can you come out?" I say, looking towards the ramp.

I waited a couple minutes and see Roman emerge from the back. "Hi, remember me? Seems like you don't considering the fact you've been ignoring me," I say, causing him to look at me wrong.

"Oh and Dean and Finn? Come out here too," I say, sitting at the bottom of the rope. Dean comes out first and has a microphone in his hands.

"We don't have to explain to you why we've ignored you," Dean says. I smirk, titling my head a bit. "But you do. I have been nothing but loyal to the Shield and I get treated like nothing cause of last week?!" I say, my voice raising up a bit.

Finn's theme song hits, causing me to roll my eyes. I look at Roman and Dean, seeing hurt in there eyes. "Woah, woah woah," Finn says, holding out his hand. "You? Being loyal?" Finn says, laughing a bit.

I scrunch up my face, looking at him. "Your the least person to talk about loyalty. If you were to actually keep your word with things and not lie about certain important things, then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't be in the problem we have right now," he says, pointing and stands inbetween Roman and Dean.

"It doesn't matter. You clearly don't know how to listen before speaking," I say, sliding out of the ring. "No need, congratulations by the way," Finn says, smirking and points up.

Then the picture shows up. I gasp, looking at him. "Let's all say it folks, congratulations Tessaline and Seth!" Finn says, making the crowd boo at me. I grit my teeth and start marching towards him.

I pushed him hard, causing him to fall back. I throw the mic to the floor and hover over him. "You turned into the biggest douche bag on earth! It's a miracle you even have a job," I say, pointing right at his face.

"That's enough," Roman says, pulling me away. I snatch my arm away from him and shake my head, running off to the back. I start walking towards Mark.

"Mark! What was that!?" I scream, making him jump a bit. Mark pulls me off to the side and I'm furious. I had told Hunter about it and I guess what I say isn't cared about when it comes to storylines in WWE.

"Finn asked if we had it and since you pitched in the idea, I thought you guys had the same idea," Mark says, trying to explain.

I look down, sobbing in my hands. Mark sighed and walked off. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I wiped my eyes and see Sami. "Hey Tess," he says. My lip quivers and I start to cry again.

Sami holds me close to him, rubbing my back. "Why would they do that?" he says, laying his head on me. I sniffles, finally stopping my uncontrollably sobbing. "I don't know but I'm so over it," I say, letting Sami go.

Kevin comes over and smiles a bit at me. "Hey Tess," he says, wiping away a tear from my face. Sami and Kevin were the ones I trusted with the secret and know why I'm so upset about it. They were the ones I depended on when Seth hated my guts.

"Finn is a low life for doing that," Kevin says, crossing his arms. I shrug and wrap the title around my waist. "Let's just hope tonight for my rematch against Sasha, nothing happens," I say. Kevin and Sami nod. "We are here if anything," Sami says, smiling. I nod, hugging them both before going to the makeup area.

I waited at gorilla for my theme. Sasha was out already, going in the ring. My theme hits and I go out, hearing the crowd boo. I wanted to cry. I was at the top of my game and now because of Finn, I feel like everything is just going down.

I walked down the ramp, sliding in the ring. I handed my title to the ref and stand in the corner. He motioned for the bell to ring and we got in a headlock. Sasha pushes me away, looking at me.

"Congratulations!" she says, imitating a baby bump. I scream and tackle her, punching her face repeatedly. Sasha manages to push me off and roll out the ring. I look at her, motioning her to come inside.

Sasha scoffs, coming back in and we circle arouns the ring. We get into another headlock, this time I push her over. As I was going towards her, I saw the picture flash again in the huge screen. I look at it, causing my eyes to water. Sasha pins me, 1,2,3.

Sasha slides out of the ring quickly, cheering. I sat there in disbelief. I smack the ring and get out of the ring, walking past Sasha and walk to the back.

I walked around, looking for Finn. "Woah, calm down," Roman says, standing infront of me. "Get away from me, now!" I scream in his face. "No! Your my sister and I can tell you what to do!" Roman screams back, making me step back a bit. "No! Screw you!" I say, pushing past him. Roman grabs my arms, making me look at him.

"If you want to hit anyone, hit me. Don't go around smacking Finn and then cost your job," Roman says, his face changing. I look at him, sighing deeply. "Why do you care anyways?" I say, snatching my arm away.

"Because even though I was a douche when you told me, I'm here for you," Roman says, his eyes becoming a bit watery. "It's a bit too late," I mumble, looking down.

Roman hugs me, sniffling a bit. I hug him back, holding onto him. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me," he says, repeating himself over and over.

I rub his back and sigh a bit. "It's fine Roman, it's okay," I say, pulling away a bit. I wipe away his tears and hold his face in my hands. "I love you, lil sis," he says, smiling a bit. "I love you, big bro," I say, smiling.

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