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I groaned, seeing a bright light above me. "Someone turn off that light," I say, holding up my hand to block the light. I sit up and see only Dean but unfortunately, he was asleep. I sigh and throw my pillow at him.

"What?" he says, jumping a bit. "Oh, Tess! Your up," he says, walking over to me. "Turn off one of the lights, its too bright," I say, rubbing my eyes. I look around and notice a bouquet of roses and balloons on the counter. "What's that?" I say, pointing. "Oh um, your mysterious lover brought it in," Dean says, shutting off a set of lights.

I scrunch up my face, looking at Dean. "Mysterious lover?" I mumble, sitting up a bit. Dean puts the pillow behind me and nods. "I'll go get the doctor," he says before walking out.

I stare at the arrangement and tilt my head a bit. I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder and groan a bit, laying back. The doctor walks in with Dean and smiles at me. "Hello, Tess. Your surgery went perfectly. But that shoulder was worse than originally thought," he says, standing by my bed side.

I nod, hearing him explain all the procedure. "I'm gonna have you stay today and tomorrow. For incase of anything, okay?" the doctor says, smiling. "Yes, thank you," I say before he walks out.

Dean looks at me, smiling. "Hand me my phone?" I say, holding out my hand. Dean looks through my bag and hands me it. I unlock it and FaceTime Seth.

"Babe!" he says, his phone very close to his face. "Hey! I just woke up. Look at this," I say, showing him my shoulder. "Wow, that's um, it looks like it hurts," he says, clearly distracted with something in the back.

"What are you doing?" I say. "Oh um with Dean," he says. I look over at Dean and motion him to stay quiet. "Oh, tell him I said hi. Can I see him?" I say, raising an eyebrow. "I would but he's busy doing something, I'm gonna call you later, bye!" he says before hanging up.

I look at Dean and his face was red from anger. "I swear if he's cheating again on you," he says, clenching his fists. I sigh, laying my head back. Somethings never change..

*** Next day ***

Roman and Sami were here today helping me go home and helping me around the house. Seth hasn't called me since that day and to be honest, I hope he doesn't. "Okay, lets put you on this wheelchair," Sami says, helping me out of the bed.

I got up, slowly walking towards the chair and sit down. "Okay, lets go," Sami says, setting my bag on my lap. Roman left with my flowers and balloons so Sami was taking me home.

On our way out, we ran into Finn. "Oh, I was h
just about to see you guys," he says, holding a rose bouquet in his hands and a teddy bear. Was he the one who sent the big rose bouquet the first time? "I was sent home. You can just meet us home?" I say, looking up at him.

Finn nods, handing me the bear. I smile at him. Finn walks with us out of the hospital and helps Sami put me in the car. "Thanks," I mumble to Finn. He nods, smiling a bit at me before taking back the wheelchair.

Sami starts up the car and drives off. "I'm so tired," I say, putting my hoodie over my head, laying my head against the window. "Do you want something to eat before we go to your house?" Sami says, turning on the ac.

"Oh, I want a sandwhich from Subway," I say, looking at him. "Okay, got it," he says, smiling at me. I smile and pull out my phone, calling Seth. No answer. I call again and still no answer.

"Sami? Was Seth home when you came to get me?" I say, glancing at him. "Um, no. Why?" he says, turning into a Subway. "He was acting weird yesterday and he won't answer," I say, sighing a bit. "Don't think of anything bad. Maybe he's busy?" Sami says, trying to help me not think of what happened last time. I nod and shove my phone away in my purse.

As we pulled up to the house, I noticed Finn talking with Roman. I smile as Roman looked over and waved at us. Roman said something to Finn before running over to us. He helped me climb out of the car before hugging me.

"I know I saw you at the hospital but Tess!" Roman says, smiling. I laugh, pushing him away before closing my door. Sami appears next to us, holding my stuff. "Ready?" Sami says, smiling.

I nod, walking towards the door. Roman reaches the door and opens up. "Welcome home!" I hear a group of people scream. I jump up, looking at them. As I look around, I smile seeing Aj, Luke, Karl, Kevin, Bayley, Sasha, Dolph, Randy, Dean, and Becky.

"Surprise," Roman says, looking at me. I laugh at him, before looking at everyone else. "Thank you guys for coming. I'll be right back," I say, before walking off towards my room.

I walk in my room and see its filled with bears, balloons, and flowers. My eyes tear up, seeing all the love from my friends. I walk to my dresser, pulling out a pair of ripped jeans and a crop top sweater.

I walk out and see everyone talking. I walk to the kitchen and pick around to the fruits that were set out. "Hey," I hear Finn say. I look at him and wave a bit. "Can we talk once everyone leaves?" he says, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"Sami and Kevin are staying with me for tonight but we can still talk," I say, looking at him. Finn nods and walks off. I grab some more fruit and stand by the living room. I watched my friends talking and enjoying there time together.

I'm blessed to have everyone supporting me and being here for me. It means so much to me.

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