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"Tess!" Dean calls me. "Yes, Dean?" I say, turning towards him.

"You ready for your match?" he says, while wrapping up his wrists. "Yeah, I'm kinda nervous since Summerslam is two weeks from now," I say, putting my phone away. "Well I'm sure you are going to do fine," Dean says.

"So I heard from someone that you are going to be in my corner tonight. Is that true?" I say, sitting at the catering area. "Possibly, can't expose plans out. People can hear," he says, whispering a bit.

I smile a bit, grabbing some salad and chicken on my plate. "Either way, I would love it," I say, smiling. "Where's Finn?" Dean says, sitting down next to me. "He has a match against Roman first so he's getting ready," I say, starting to eat.

Tonight, I was continuing my feud against Alexa for the title. Two weeks till Summerslam and I'm getting a title shot. Let's see what happens.

"Tessa, your on," HHH says. I walk out, smiling at the crowd. Suddenly, I get attacked from behind. I look up and realize its Alexa. She hovers over me, holding up the title.

"My title, not yours!" she screams out over me. Alexa walks down to the ring, going inside. Refs come out to help when suddenly, Seth's theme hits. "Oh, come on!" I say, getting up with the help of the refs. Seth stops next to me and smirks before walking down to the ring.

Oh great, a distraction. I groan loudly and shrug off the refs before walking down to the ring. I slid in and look at Seth roaming around the ring. The bell is rung and I quickly tackle Alexa down, slapping her face. Alexa pushes me off and slides out, standing next to Seth.

I put the ropes apart and motion her inside. Alexa scoffs and looks at Seth. Seth gets up on the ring and smirks, looking at me. He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips. I widen my eyes before pulling away and slap him square in the face. Alexa takes this opportunity and slides back in, pushing me over and tries to pin me.

I shove her off before getting up, running to the ropes and throw an elbow to Seth's face. He falls down, holding his jaw. I blow a kiss to him before turning towards Alexa. "Really? Are you that desperate to keep your title!?" I yell, picking her up. I tackle her to the corner, ramming my shoulder into her stomach area.

I go to the other corner, speeding towards her and tackle her. She falls down on the floor, clutching her abdomen. I smirk and stand on the top of the rope, hyping up the crowd. I do a moonsault off the top rope and land on Alexa. I go to pin her but I got pulled out by Seth. I look at him and before I went to punch him, Dean's music hit and Dean came out.

Dean tackles Seth to the floor, throwing punch after punch to Seth. I hear the ref counting and I quickly slide back in. I pick up Alexa on my shoulders, throwing her down on the mat hard. I pull her towards one of the corners and go up on the top rope. I motion a 'Too Sweet' towards the camera before jumping down and doing a coupe de grace.

I cover Alexa. 1, 2, 3. The bell rings signaling that I was the winner. "And your winner and NEW Raw Women's Champion, Tessa!" Jojo says. I kick Alexa out, grabbing the title from the ref and lift it up. Dean comes in, hugging me tightly. Suddenly, Roman's theme hits and he comes down running to the ring.

I smile, tears coming down my face. "Tess. You did it. You worked so hard for this and now look at you. Your a two time Women's champion," Roman says to me before hugging me. I hug him back, crying a bit.

All these ups and downs in my career led me to this. All the months of rehab and constant check ups. All for this moment. I let Roman go stand between him and Dean. I look at both of them and put my fist in the middle, signaling the Shield pose. Dean and Roman join fists with mine and smile. The fans cheer loudly, making all three of us smile. We walked out to the back and smiled.

I hugged HHH and thanked him for giving me another shot at the title. I quickly walked backstage and looked for Finn. "Babe!" I hear Finn say. I smile and run to him, jumping on him. "Oof, congrats babe!" he says while spinning me around. I laugh, looking at him once he sets me down.

"Thank you. I'm honestly in awe still," I say, looking down at the title. "You earned it. Trust me," he says, kissing my forehead. I smile, looking up at him. "We must celebrate, you heard?" Finn says, smiling. "Yes, we shall. But after your match," I say, fixing his jacket collar. "Okay, finnee," he says, pouting.

I laugh a bit before pecking his lips and seeing him walk off. I sit down on a chair and look down at the title. The first time I got this title, I didn't truly appreciate it. I just won it and oh well. This second time around, I truly appreciate it. I'm happy to have earned it. A bunch of things have happened but winning this again for the second time makes you realize how lucky I am to be here in this business.

"Hey, Tessa. How was that kiss?" I hear someone say. I groan a bit and look up seeing Seth. "What do you want?" I say, wrapping the title around my waist. "A second chance," he says, crossing his arms. "A second chance? Don't you mean like, I don't know, a fourth chance? If you haven't noticed, you've messed up a bunch of times and I think you should just stay away from me," I say, starting to walk away.

Seth grabs my wrist tightly, pulling me back. "Don't walk away. I'm talking to you," he says in between gritted teeth. I snatch my arm away and look at him. "No, I'm not giving you anymore chances," I say. "Now, Tessa. Don't be like that. You know deep down you still love me. You can't forget your first love," he says, standing behind me.

"Well I forgot about you and don't love you anymore," I say, crossing my arms. "Mhm, keep denying it," he mumbles close to my ear. "Seth, stop," I say, nudging him away. "So this is how Finn took you away from me. He would be with you with no one around and seduce you?" Seth says, leaving feather like kisses on my neck. He knows my weak spot.

Damn it, Colby Lopez.

I turn around and smash my lips against his, kissing him deeply. "Tessa, I think I for- Tessa!" I hear Finn scream out. I jump up and turn around, seeing Finn look at me. His face read hurt, anger, and sadness. "Finn, its not what it looks like," I say, walking towards him. "No, leave it. I don't want to hear it," he says, shaking his head before walking away.

I stood there shocked and hating myself. Seth smirks and stands next to me. "How gullible are you? I don't love you and yet you were willing to cheat on Finn. Good one," Seth says, kissing my cheek before leaving me there confused and in tears.

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