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I paced back and forth, biting my lip. I texted Roman and Dean to come over. Those two were the only ones who I trusted with this secret.

I heard the door ring and opened it, seeing Finn dressed up nicely. Oh no, the date..

"Finn, I'm so sorry. I forgot about the date," I say, his face changing from happy to hurt. "Oh, Um that's okay. Can I come in?" he says. I look behind him and notice Dean and Roman.

"Sure but Roman and Dean are coming now," I say, pointing back. Finn looks and waves at them. "Nevermind, I'll just text you," he says, handing me a rose and walks off. I sigh softly and motion Dean and Roman to come in.

I close the door and set the rose in a glass bottle, setting it somewhere. "What's going on?" Roman says, sitting down next to Dean. I grab the ultrasound images and shove them in my pocket.

"Okay, so I went to get my clothes at Seth's house. But we got in an argument and he said stuff that were, I guess, true," I start, fiddling with my fingers.

"Well he started to say I made bad choices too and that cheating wasn't as bad as what I did. Now, what I'm gonna show you was two years old," I say. They both nod and I show them the pictures.

Roman takes it and looks at them, handing it over to Dean. "How come you never told us?" Dean says, handing it back to me.

"I didn't want kids. I was new in NXT and wanted to focus on my career. Yes, I was like a couple weeks and I was still wrestling but I told them I wanted an abortion and the next day I got one. Seth didn't talk to me for a couple months after that. I know I made that decision but he never asked if I was okay or if I needed anything. He just ignored me," I say while looking at the pictures.

This was the first time I had ever told anyone besides WWE, of course, and Seth. This was the worst thing I had ever done but I would never do it again.

"I don't even know what to say," Roman says, breaking the silence. I nod, sighing a bit. "I'm sorry," I say, curling up before letting a few tears come out. Dean gets up, kneeling down infront of me. "Hey, no need to say your sorry. Things happen, you can have another one whenever you decide you want one," he says, trying to comfort me.

"That's another reason Seth didn't talk to me. I can't have anymore," I say, looking at him. "Either way, you would have been an awesome mom," Dean says, making me smile a bit.

I sit up and hug Dean tightly. Dean hugs me back, rubbing my back. "Don't let this ruin your reign," he whispers. He lets me go and gets up, looking at Roman. He was still looking down.

I got up, walking to him and sit next to him. "I could have been an uncle," he mumbles. "I'm sorry," I say to him. Roman shakes his head, not saying a word and leaves. I look at Dean, "Just go. I'll be okay".

Dean nods, walking out. I pull out the picture and start to cry. I could have been a mother. I could have given up wrestling.

All these thoughts go through my mind. I grab my phone and call Finn. "Hello?" he answers. "Hi, I just wanted to hear your voice. Today hasn't been the best," I confess, sniffling a bit.

"Want me to grab some ice cream and watch movies?" Finn says. I smile and lay on the couch. "Yes, I got popcorn and the movies," I say. "I'll be over soon," he says. I hang up and shut my eyes.

Roman probably hates me now. The only real family I have around me right now and he hates me. I felt tears escape my eyes and sigh, wiping them off. I opened my eyes, looking at the pictures again.

I remember the happiness Seth had when he heard I was having a baby. But I also saw the hurt and anger too.

I sat up, hearing the door bell and set down the picture. I get up and open the door and see Finn holding bags. "Come in," I say, laughing a bit while seeing him struggle.

Finn walks in, setting the bags down. "Sorry, I had to get some stuff. Hey, are you okay?" he says, coming close to me and holds my face in his hands.

I shrug, smiling a bit. He frowns, giving my forehead a kiss and hugs me tightly. I hug him tightly, laying my head on his chest. "I know I'm not any good at making people feel better but, the ice cream is getting warm," Finn says.

I let go of him and laugh a bit. "Okay, I'll get a bowl," I say, walking into the kitchen. Finn starts taking out the items of the ice cream. I grab two bowls, walking over to Finn.

Finn and I were currently in a heated battle of Scrabble. "'Aint' is not a word, Tess," he says, laughing at me. "Everyone uses it so why can't I put it down," I say, pouting.

"Oh my God, Tess. Seriously?" he says, shaking his head. "Fine! I'll change it," I say, taking the words out. Finn laughs and gets up, putting the bowls in the sink. "Movie?" I say, looking at him.

Finn nods and cleans the bowls. I started picking up the game when all the piece fell out of my hands, knocking over stuff off the table. I groan and kneel down, picking them up. "Here, let me help," Finn says, walking over and helping me pick up the stuff.

As Finn is helping me, he picks up my ultrasound pictures. His eyes widen and then looks at me. "Y-Your pregnant?" he stutters, getting up. "No, Finn let me explain," I say.

"But it says five weeks on here? And Seth is the father!?" he says, pointing at Seth's name. "If you would let me explain, it would be understood," I say, snatching the picture out of his hands. "No need. I get it. You wanna keep it a secret," Finn says, grabbing his jacket.

"Its not like that! Just let me expla-" I start but Finn cuts me off. "Don't. Now I understand why you blew me off so just forget it. Get your life sorted out before coming to me," he says before walking out.

I stood there in disbelief. Did that just really happen? I scoff, looking at the picture. "You've caused ALOT of problems today," I say, looking at the picture. I clean up the mess and grab my phone, calling Finn.

No answer.

I tried calling again and it went straight to voicemail. I sigh and text Finn.

Tess: If you get this or not, doesnt matter, but you should really let me explain. That ultrasound was two years ago. I found out I was pregnant and aborted the baby. If you don't believe me, ask Seth or Dean. I hope you can just let this go and talk to me again.

I hit send and laid my head back. This is going to be a long road to Wrestlemania.

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