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After my match, we went to the back and noticed Dean and Roman looking at me. I walk over to them and smile a bit.

"I get your hurt about what happened but was that kiss really necessary?" Roman says, looking at me. "Roman, just let her go. I think it was a cherry on top to what he did," Dean says, defending me.

"Listen, if he thinks he can get away with what he did, he's so wrong," I say, walking away from them. Finn catches up with me, laughing a bit. "Everyone is so confused," he says.

I shrug, turning the corner. I stop and pull him towards me. Finn puts his hands next to my head and smirks. "Listen, pretty boy. The kiss meant nothing and this storyline is gonna stop once Seth comes back. So don't get any ideas," I say, looking up at him.

Finn laughs, kissing my cheek. "Oh trust me, by the time we finish this story, your all mine," he whispers on my ear. Finn pulls away, smiling and walks away.

Why is he so frustrating? I mean, yes he is cute and mysterious but I'm in no way, shape, or form trying to get with him.

I shake off any thought of being with Finn and walk to the locker room. I walk in and take a quick shower, throwing on a romper and heels. I grabbed my phone and see the messages.

Seth: What the hell was that?
Seth: Hello!!!!
Seth: Call me when you get to your hotel!
Seth: I'm literally boiling, tell me what is going on!!!

I roll my eyes and dial Seth's number. "What the hell!" Seth screams through the phone. I walk out of the locker room and start walking to the parking lot. "Listen, don't scream at me. Its been a long day and I don't need this right now," I say, walking over to my car.

"Don't need this right now?! I need to know why you thought it was okay to kiss Finn when your dating me!" Seth says, his tone going louder and more irritable.

"You wanna know why? Because I wanted to get back at you! You really think that just because I'm away and your injured, it means its okay to be kissing and having your hands all over another girl!" I yell back.

The line went quiet and I laughed, hanging up. I opened up the trunk, throwing my suitcases in. I slammed the trunk shut and climbed in the drivers side. I sat down and broke down crying.

Why is it when everything is going perfectly fine, all this happens? I heard a knock on the window and jumped, seeing it was Finn. I sighed and put the window down.

"What?" I say, wiping my tears away. "Move over, I'm driving," Finn says, opening the door. I slide over and bury my face in my hands. Finn gets in and closes the door, pulling out of the parking lot.

"You do know its not your fault he cheated, right?" Finn says, breaking the silence. I look up at him and sniffle. "What?" I say, a bit confused.

"He cheated because he wasn't man enough to have you," he says, stopping at a red light. "And this is supposed to make me feel better or?" I say, wiping my eyes.

"No, but I'm just saying. Don't blame yourself," he says, driving towards the high way. My phone rings and none other than Seth. I groan and throw my phone on the floor.

"Woah, hey. Give it here," Finn says, holding out his hand. "Its Seth, I don't want to talk to him," I say, picking up my phone.

Finn takes it, answering it and turn on the speaker. "Tess!" Seth yells. I look at Finn and he signals me to stay quiet. "Tess can't come to the phone right now, but I can surely leave a message," Finn says with a smirk.

"Listen! I don't know what she told you but its all fake," Seth says. Finn rolls his eyes, parking in the hotel parking lot.

"Yeah, pictures are real and we can clearly tell you were into that kiss. Also, quit calling or else I'll personally break your other leg," Finn says before hanging up.

I look at Finn, "Why would you do that? You hate me." Finn shakes his head, grabbing my hand.

"I don't hate you, Tessa. All these years being able to work with you, watching you go through your ups and downs in your career made me feel, I don't know, intimidated?" he confesses, looking down at our hands.

"Well you have a funny way of showing it," I say, pulling my hand away. Finn takes a deep breathe, looking at me. "I'm sorry, can I just make it up to you? One date?" he says, looking at me.

Finn really isn't a bad guy. He's a sweet heart with a love for wrestling. He is an amazing person, inside and out. Maybe I should try it. Just one date wouldn't hurt, right?

"Fine, but just one date," I say, smiling a bit. "Okay and if you hate it, tell me. Got it?" he says. I laugh a bit, nodding. "Okay, lets get you to bed," he says. We both get out of the car and get out stuff out of the trunk.

"Um, Finn?" I say, causing him to look at him. "Can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone," I ask, rubbing my arm a bit. Finn smiles a bit and nods, grabbing mt suitcase. "Sure thing, but please know I'm a huge cuddler," he says, causing both of us to laugh.

"Fine, I'm okay with that," I say, grabbing my bag and walking in the hotel.

Maybe Finn isn't so bad. We go inside and check into my room. We walk inside and I immediately plop down on the bed. I sigh loudly and sit up. "I'm gonna change quick, I'll be back," Finn says before going to the bathroom.

I get up, kicking off my heels and grab sweats and a shirt. When I look at the shirt, my eyes start to get watery. Seth got me this shirt for our two year anniversary. It was a MARVEL shirt but instead had our names on it.

I plop down on the ground and start to cry. I throw the shirt across the room and curl up, putting my forehead against my knees. I rock myself a bit, trying to calm down.

"Hey, shh," Finn says, picking me up from the floor and holding me in his arms. I hold onto Finn tightly, crying on his chest. He rubs my back, kissing the top of my head.

After what seemed like forever, I pulled away from him and wiped away my tears. "Sorry," I say, looking down. Finn lifts up my head, leaning forward and kissing me.

I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing back. Finn pulls away, putting his forehead against mine. "Sorry, I had to do that," he says. I laugh a bit, shaking my head a bit. "Its fine, dont worry," I say.

"Do you have a shirt I can borrow. I'm pretty sure all the shirt I have, Seth bough them," I say, sighing a bit. Finn nods, looking through his clothes and finds one. "Here, wear this one. It doesn't really fit me anymore," he says, handing me a Lego shirt.

I nod, saying a quick 'Thank you' before walking into the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror and smile a bit. Did all that just really happen? Kissing Finn and actually not yelling at him?

The kiss was amazing. Is it okay to say I felt a spark when we kissed? His lips were so soft and perfectly shaped. Okay, Tess, get out of the bathroom before you fall asleep here.

I splash water in my face, brushing my teeth and switching into the shirt Finn gave me and my sweats. I walk out and see Finn sleeping already. I smile and turn off the lights, climbing in bed. I get under the blankets and get a little bit closer to him.

Finn pulls me towards him, kissing my forehead before saying,

"I knew you were going to be mine".

jealous  》finn balor Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin