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180 labrum tear
Torn bicep and pectoral tendon
Cartilage damage
Fracture to the glenoid neck socket.

All suffered from the hit and Alexa herself. Today, I was getting oriented on my surgery for Saturday. Seth was in Connecticut, finishing up some meetings so I had Roman with me.

Roman drove us to the doctor's office, walking inside. I walked to the front desk lady, smiling at her. "Name?" she says, glancing up at me. "Tessaline Anoa'i" I say. She nods and looks up at me, "Okay, take a seat and doctor Richard will be with you in a moment".

I say 'thank you' before sitting down next to Roman. "How you holding up?" Roman says, smiling at me. "I've been okay. This shoulder is killing me. Nothing works," I say, rubbing my shoulder a bit.

The nurse comes out, calling my name. I get up with Roman and walk towards the nurse. "Hello," she says. The nurse looked like she was around her 40's. "My name is Pam, nice to meet you Tess," she says, motioning towards a room.

I walk in, smiling. "Nice to meet you," I say, sitting down on a chair. "Is this your boyfriend?" Pam says, motioning towards Roman. Roman's eyes widen, making him choke a bit on his gum.

"No, big brother," I say, laughing at his reaction. Pam's cheeks get red, grabbing my chart. "Oh, I'm sorry," she says, her eyes not leaving the paper. "It's fine, people do it all the time when I'm around him," I lie, trying to make her feel better.

"Okay, so it's your right or left shoulder?" Pam says, sitting on a spiny doctor chair. "Left. I did injure it before like maybe ten months ago but it was now that I actually dislocated it," I say, remembering back my match with Sasha my first day.

Pam nods, writing it down and gets up. "Can you maybe take off your your shirt from the side where it's bandaged?" Pam says, putting on gloves. I nod and slowly unbutton my shirt, taking off the left side. Rose pouts a bit, noticing the area bruised and starts touching the area.

I winced, clenching my right fist tightly. Roman gets up, walking to my side and holds my hand. I smile at him, squeezing his hand when she would touch the worse areas. Pam stops and starts writing it down on the paper. "Okay, doctor Jeffrey will be in in just a moment," Rose says before leaving.

Roman looks at my shoulder and frowns. "I didn't know it was that bad," he says. "It got worse now. When we fought against Sasha and nerd patrol, I had it like this too so I don't know if I injured it bad there or when I hit the post really hard," I say, looking at my shoulder.

There was a knock on the door before someone walked in. "Hello, I'm doctor Jeffrey," he says, shaking Roman and I's hand. "So from the charts and seeing your xray's, your shoulder is really bad. How come your holding it off till Saturday?" he says, looking through my papers.

"I want my boyfriend to be here with me and my brother," I say. The doctor nods, putting on gloves. Roman steps off to the side, letting the doctor see properly.

"Woah, so was this your first time injuring this?" he says, looking at the bruises on my shoulder. "Second but this time I ended up dislocating it," I explain, wincing when he touched the areas.

"Yeah, I think its better to move up the surgery," he says, looking at me. "Its that bad?" I say, putting my shirt back on slowly. He nods, sitting on the doctor chair. "Its better to do it now then to wait for that injury to get even worse.

I look at Roman, my lip quivering a bit. "Today is Wednesday so you have today to think about it," the doctor says before leaving. "Hey, don't worry. I'll be here," he says, wiping away any stray tears. I sigh, nodding and get up, leaving the room with Roman. 

*** two days later***

Today was the surgery and I couldn't have been any more nervous. Roman was here but would have to leave later on. We were in the room, waiting for the sleeping pills to kick in.

Sami and Kevin were here along with Dean. "I'm so tired," I say, rubbing my eyes. "Well, that's our que," Kevin says, getting off my bed. I pout, looking at him. "Don't leave mmeeee," I slur, grabbing his arm.

"Tess, we have to. We will see you tomorrow, I promise," Kevin says before leaving a kiss on my forehead. Sami gives me a quick hug and walks out with Kevin. I look over at Dean and pat the spot next to me.

Dean smiles before sitting next to me. "Yes, Tess?" he says. I smile and sit up, hugging him tightly around the waist. "Thank you for sticking around," I say, feeling my eyes get more heavy. The doctor walks in and smiles. "Okay, Miss Tess. It's time," he says.

Dean gets up, laying me back down before sitting down on a chair. "Bye Dean, I love yyoouuuu," I slur, laughing a bit. The two nurses and doctor let me say my final goodbyes before rolling me out to the surgery room.

"Hey, sis. I'm gonna be here till the area, okay?" Roman says, holding my eyes. I nod, smiling. "Roman, I want to have kids," I blurt out. Roman looks at me, scrunching his face up. "Tess," he says, his tone a bit upset. "Not actual kids, like a puppy or something. Silly Roman," I say, patting his hand.

"Okay, here is far enough," Roman says, making the nurses stop. He leans down, kissing my forehead two times before saying, "I love you, sis. Please come back to me, okay?"

Roman nods to the doctors and they wheel me away. The rest was kinda just a blur till the room eventually turned black and I was out.

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