Chapter 14: First Match As Grand Slam Champion

Start from the beginning

Tanya's P.O.V.

I waited with Seth, Dana, and Charlotte as I was ready to take on Emma, who had Alicia and Kevin in her corner. I was in the same gear I wore on the day of my photoshoot. This time, I had on a white jacket with designs on it. "You ready for this?" Sasha asked me. I smiled and nodded before putting on the same shades I wore on the photoshoot. Dana helped me put the Raw Women's title around my waist.

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head

The fans jumped up and screamed as I walked out with Charlotte, who smiled while I smirked. Seth and I held hands with each other. "And her opponent, accompanied by Seth Rollins, Dana Brooke, and Charlotte Flair, from Boston, Massachusetts, the new Raw Women's champion, Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced. I took off my glasses and tossed them to a random corner as my best friend, her protégé, and on-screen boyfriend walked me down the ramp.

"Tanya Banks being escorted by Charlotte, Dana, and Seth. Also, the look om Tanya's face is pure happiness. Ever since she won the Raw Women's Championship." Michael said. "Absolutely. That young lady has accomplished so much. She deserves this title." JBL added.

I hopped on the apron and leaned forward, capturing Seth's lips in mine. He kissed back as the crowd went wild and my best friend clapped. We pulled away as I took off my accessories and jacket and glared at Emma. I handed Charlotte my title and the bell rang. Emma and I circled each other and we locked up.

She and I exchanged punches before I clotheslined her. I continued two more times and went to the ropes before I kicked her. I went for a pin. "One! Two!" Emma kicked out as Alicia and Kevin encouraged her. I went to grab her, but she punched me before she gave me a kick. She put me on the ropes and put her leg behind my back, pressing me against them. I thrashed my legs before the referee forced Emma to let me go. "Come on, Tanya!" Dana encouraged.

She grabbed me and tried to pin me. "One! Two!" I kicked out. "Come on, Tanya!" Charlotte encouraged me. Emma got my arms pulled them back as she pressed her foot against my back. I screamed in pain as she applied more pressure. "Let's go, Tanya! Don't tap!" Seth shouted. Emma then lifted me up and slammed me on the mat.

She grabbed my hair and got me up, performing punches to my face and chest. She kneed me in the gut before she tossed me over the top rope. Kevin and Alicia approached, but stopped at my backup stared them down. Charlotte gave Alicia a warning look to not come closer. Same with Seth to Kevin.

"Um, Charlotte, a little bit of adrenaline, please?" I asked her. "I don't want to slap you." she said. "I need to be pumped up! Just to it!" I said. She sighed before she slapped me. "Charlotte just slapped Tanya and Tanya just gave her a thumbs up! What the hell is going on?" Jerry exclaimed. "Relax, Jerry. I talked to Tanya earlier today. That's the only ay she can get pumped up and Charlotte can do just that." Michael said.

I rolled back inside the ring and Emma kicked me and got me up and sent me to the ropes, but I did a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takedown. I screamed as I continued to clothesline her. Emma got up and I hit her with a roundhouse kick. I got next to the ropes and screamed before getting om the top rope. However, I felt myself get grabbed and I fell on the turnbuckle. Seth immediately came over and began beating up Kevin as Charlotte and Dana began beating up Alicia.

"And now we have a brawl outside the ring! Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins beating the hell out of each other. Charlotte dominating Alicia Fox! Dana Brooke in tow!" Jerry exclaimed.

I got up, but felt myself get rolled up. "One! Two!" I kicked out and I saw Emma charge at me. I dodged her and hit her with a Spear. I went to the ropes and waited for her to get up. Sw did and I ran and hit her with the Curbstomp. "Curbstomp to Emma! Tanya Banks performing her boyfriend's finisher on Emma! Can she do it?" JBL said.

"One! Two! Three!"

All the things she said
All the thing she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head

The bell dinged and I smirked as my theme played. "Here is you winner, the Raw Women's Champion, Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced. Charlotte and Dana came in and hugged me tightly, which I responded. Seth came in and he hugged me, spinning me around. He set me down before he gripped the back of my head and pressed his lips to mine, making the audience cheer loudly.

I then got a microphone and held it to my lips.

"Nothing makes me happier that I am the new Raw Women's Champion. This goes to show that I fought on and on and all the hard work I had to do throughout the years really paid off. The moment Stephanie McMahon gave me this opportunity, I couldn't say no. Also, the feeling I felt when Summer Rae screamed in pain when I made her tap out..." I looked down before looking back up with a smirk. "Felt absolutely amazing!" I said with a laugh.

"This goes to show that I am the woman! I am the boss of confidence! And, if anybody tries to step in my way, you will feel a broken bone throughout every inch of your body! And you can Bank on That!" I said as I tossed the mic and my theme played. Seth hugged me and I responded.

We pulled away and he and Charlotte raised my hands. After that, we all went backstage. We were now going to catering when we were stopped by Roman. "Hey guys. Can you give us a minute?" he asked them. They nodded and he looked at me with a look of guilt mixed with anger, sadness, and confusion. "Tanya, we need to talk." he told me.

"What is it?" I asked him. "Dean came to me and he wanted me to tell you something." he explained. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I don't need to hear anything that piece of shit has to say." I told him. "Tanya, please. It's really important." he told me. "Forget it. I don't want to hear anything that has to come from that lunatic son of a bitch." I told him before I walked off. I carried my title before I went to catering to join my friends.

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