Driving Lessons!??

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She let out a yelp and I punched her in the face. I gave her one last blow to the face before I heard my name being called.

I looked up and no fear is shown as I see the principal standing at the end of the hall signaling me to come his way.....

Stacey is still on the ground as the principal calls his name oops I mean her name.

I make my way towards him and he doesnt look angry.

"My office now Ms.Lane" he says.

I roll my eyes and make my way towards his office, which is on the end of the senior hall.

I find his office with no trouble.

I go in and sit in a chair. He comes in shortly with Stacey behind him. He sits at his desk and clicks on his computer.

I can hear my voice and Stacey's and then I heard a big scream. Im tempted to laugh but I dont.

Mr.King looks at me and laughs.

"You sure do have a punch...Now Ms.Lane I know stacey hit you but you have to channel your anger...Since I know your grandma im going to give her a call....Your off the hook if.....you win tomorrows game" he says.

I give him a smirk.

"Yes sir." I say.

He signals me to leave and Stacey is sitting there with her mouth open.

I laugh silently as I exit his office. I walk towards the library and see Mareoa sitting there with my purse and Frog.

I look to the right of Frog and Abi is right next to him.

"Hello" I say in a high voice.

They all look at me. I sit down and grab my tablet.

"We heard...." Abi says.

"She shouldnt have touched me..." I say rolling my eyes.

I look at Mareoa and he smiles.

"What you looking at Lane?" he teases.

"You...Vasquez" I tease back.

He takes his hand and cups my cheek.

He leans in to my ear and I can feel his minty breathe on my ear.

"Did I tell you how sexy you look today?" he whispers.

My cheeks go red as the bell signals us to our next classes.

Mareoa gets up and hovers over me.

"You coming to class or are you going to sit there and look hot and bothered?" he asked.

I got up stilled red faced and followed behind him.

*After School*

School went by in a blur...

I was so ready for Volleyball practice I was itching. I couldnt wait to get my hands on a volleyball.

I got to practice early and got changed. I changed into my Hello Kitty work out shorts, My black nike sports bra and my knee pads and volleyball shoes. I took my earring and belly button piercing out and put everything I didnt need in my locker.

I then went outside and started my laps.  I did my 15 laps around the gym and started my stretches.

When I got done with my stretches the girls were starting on their laps.

I sat on the bleachers and waited til they all did their laps and stretches.

*15 minutes later*

They were all done and huddled around me and Khyleigh my co-captain.

"So what are we doing today captain?" they ask.

I sigh. "We are going to play 6 games before we leave....and I want each and every one of you to get a spike in and I dont want the team receiving not to hustle...you have to hustle for this ball" I say.

They all sogh and nod.

I slap my knees and get up. "Well lets get going girls" I say.

This was going to be a long practice.

*2 hours 30 minutes later*

We practiced 1 hour and 30 minutes over the time we were suppose to leave. These girls wanted this win just as bad as I did.

Tomorrow was going to be a day to remember.I went to my locker and grabbed my duffle bag. I grabbed my purse and put my white shorts back on. I took my knee pads and shoes and replaced them with my chucks.

I put my belly button ring and my cartlidge piercings back in. After gathering my stuff I left the gym and made my way towards the student parking lot.

My dad was sitting inside the car waiting on me. He was in a pair of yellow basketball shorts a black tee and his black and yellow batman jordans.

His hair was in a bun on the top of his head wich made me laugh.

I got into the passenger seat and noticed Mareoa and Frog werent there.

"Wheres Mareoa and Frog?" I ask.

"I got my personal driver to drive them to Annie Lanes" he says.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask.

He smiles.

"Diamond...Im going to teach you how to drive" he says.

"Oh heck no........I THINK IM GONNA TAKE A CAB"









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