"Hello?" She said.

"Are you at school already?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Sooji wanted me to come with her for some reason." She replied.

"Oh okay, I'm with Jeongin right now." I said, ruffling Jeongin's hair.

"Okay. See you then, unnie!" Jiyeon said and hung up.

The bus came after a few more minutes, and we got on. We took a seat next to eachother, and I linked my arm with Jeongin's, resting my head on his shoulder. I pulled out my earbuds, connecting it to my phone. I put the right earbud into Jeongin's right ear, and put the left earbud into my left ear. I put on our favorite playlist that we made together and I closed my eyes, calming myself.

"Noona, this is our song!!" Jeongin whispered, looking down at me.

I looked up at him and smiled. We smiled at eachother and then looked back down, enjoying the song. A few more stops, and we already arrived at school. We got off the bus and walked into school, walking to our lockers. Sooji and Jiyeon were nowhere to found, but Hyunjin was.

He was leaned against his locker, on his phone as his friends talked. I took once quick glance at them but then looked back at my locker, opening it. I took what I needed out and then closed my locker, turning to look at Jeongin.

"Bye, Jeongin. Be a good student." I said and gave him a quick hug.

He hugged me back, then we pulled away. We parted our ways and walked into first period, as the bell rang just in time. I shared first period with Sooji, so I spotted her already sitting down at a desk. I walked over and sat down next to her.

"How's you and Hyunjin doing? Still upset at eachother?" She asked, leaning on the desk.

"Mm." I mumble, nodding.

One of Hyunjin's bestfriends, Changbin walked up to us and looked at me.

"You know Hyunjin is mad at you, right? You should talk to him." He said.

I gave him a glare.

"Get lost." I said, giving him a cold gaze.

He shrugged and walked away, taking a seat in the back of the classroom. The class started, the teacher bombarding us with homework straight away.

lunch time

The four of us met up and walked into the cafeteria, taking a seat down at a table. As usual, Jiyeon and Sooji sat across from Jeongin and I. I leaned on the table, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. My eyes searched the whole cafeteria until I found Hyunjin. He was looking back at me, and we made eye contact for a few minutes. Even though he was all the way on the other side, I still couldn't find a way to get my eyes off him.

"Y/N?" Jiyeon said, snapping me back into reality.

"Huh?" I replied, shaking my head to snap back into it.

"Are you not gonna get lunch?" Sooji asked.

"Nope, not hungry." I replied.

"But noona, you need to eat something! I know you barely finished your cereal this morning." Jeongin argued back.

"What if you get sick from eating so little?" He pouted.

I giggled and pinched his cheek.

"I'll be fine, Jeongin." I reassured him.

My smile faded as thoughts about Hyunjin crossed my mind. I wasn't paying attention to anything they were saying until Jiyeon brought up Hyunjin.

"... Hyunjin needs to man up and apologize to Y/N. She did nothing wrong." Jiyeon said.

I looked at Jiyeon, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Unnie, I can tell you're still upset. Even if you're acting happy, I can tell through your eyes. He's made you feel like complete shit so many times, but yet you still love him." Jiyeon explained.

"Yeah. Maybe this is a sign that you guys should break up." Sooji agreed.

"No. I don't want to. Even if he's made me sad or feel like trash, I still love him." I disagree.

They all sigh.



"Guys, let's go to Jeongin's house!" Sooji exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me and Jeongin.

"That's a good idea. Your house has so many snacks" Jiyeon said, nodding.

"Okay." Jeongin nodded.

We walked all the way to Jeongin's house, and it took us about twenty to twenty five minutes. Once we finally got there, we stepped inside, and saw his parents. I smiled, taking my shoes off.

"Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Yang!!" I exclaimed, throwing them a heart sign.

They chuckled, smiling back.

"Hello, Y/N. Hello, Sooji and Jiyeon. And of course, how's my cute little son doing?" Jeongin's mom said, running over to us.

She pinched Jeongin's cheeks, giving him a big kiss on his forehead. He whined and pouted.

"Honey, you're embarrassing our son in front of three girls." Mr. Yang said, causing us to laugh.

"Thank you, dad. I agree!!" Jeongin whined.

Mrs. Yang stopped pinching his cheeks and smiled at us, walking back to the living room with Jeongin's dad. We all walked into Jeongin's room. Sooji and I sat down on the floor as Jeongin laid down on his bed, with Jiyeon sitting at his desk, spinning around in circles since his chair could spin around.

"I hope you fall, Jiyeon" Jeongin teased.

"Hey! I'm older than you. Respect me, you pipsqueak!" Jiyeon scolded.

"You're only older than me by a few months, calm your small boobs" Jeongin remarked.

Sooji and I bursted out laughing, laughing so much to the point where we couldn't breathe.

"I can't- can't- believe that came o-out of Jeongin's m-mouth... HAHAHAHAHAHAH" I said in between laughs.

"He said your boobs are sm-small, Jiyeon!" Sooji said, clutching on her stomach.

"You guys are mean" Jiyeon pouted.

We finally stopped laughing, and I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Jeongin is so funny, I taught him well" I said, smiling.

For the rest of the afternoon, we hung out at Jeongin's house, like the four good bestfriends we were. Surprisingly, not a single thought about Hyunjin crossed my mind during our hang out.

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