Ai Tachibana

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You made up your mind but you hope that this choice wouldn't lead to something worse.

You carefully exit the house and inspect your surroundings. You know the house too well but the outside is vague on you. You spot the shore in a distance but before you could go, Ai's shouts and sobs stopped you. You can hear his wail and pleas not to leave him.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

You went back to the house, seeing Ai slumped on the floor. His body racked with sobs but soon stopped when he heard your footsteps nearing him. His ears became alert as he search for the sound.

"You idiot, why are you crying like an abandoned cat?" You said while trying to control your own tears. You didn't expect to be affected this much after seeing the neko in this pitiable state.

"Y/N! Y/N please! Don't- don't leave me. P-Please. I beg you." Ai wrapped his arms on your body, clinging like his life depends on it.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

"Ai, let me go." You calmly uttered but the neko refused and continued with his cries.

"Ai, Let me go! Y-You can hold my hand instead!" You shouted which he thankfully obliged.

"You won't leave me? You'll stay with me, Y/N. You'll stay, right? You must stay!" His grip tightens on your hand, his body is shaking violently and words keep coming out of his lips.

You took this chance to take him to the shore. Ai stopped his antics as soon as he felt the soft waves on his feet and the calm sound of the sea. You proceeded to guide him until the water reaches Ai's waist.

Ai laughed bitterly "So, you want to drown me before leaving me, that's cruel Y/N. But it's fine, I'd rather die than live without you." Ai finishes, letting go of your hand with a sad smile that broke your heart.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

"Ai, I need you to close your eyes."

"What for? I'm already blind." He bitterly replied.

"Just do it, idiot!"

"Fine, fine nya."

You gently placed your hands on his eyes. Soon you felt heat spreading throughout your body as you focused all those heat to your hands.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Luminescence slowly forms around your hands forming a blinding light which only lasted for a split second before you sunk underneath the water.

It unexpectedly exhaust me, good thing I'm in the sea.

"Wh-What? Why-- Y/N!" Ai felt you slip away from him as he opened his eyes. His vision blurred before focusing on your form underwater and brought you out of the water like a child, your tail dangling in the air.

"Ai, would you please bring me back to the water. I'm tired, idiot!" You slapped him with your tail causing his grip to loosen and dropped you to relish the cold waves engulfing you again.

"I thought you would leave me! Why?"

"Why would I heal you if I'm just going to leave you? I-I l- You're i-important to me." Face reddening, you tried to avoid his gaze.

Ai happily hugged you tightly as he laughed giddily.

"Thank you." He said before claiming your lips.

" I love you! I love you! I love you so much, Y/N!" Ai chirped, pecking your lips on every I love you's.

I did the right thing.

You thought as your face turns a hundred shades of red from Ai's kisses.

"Now, let's fix your broken king nya? He must be bored on that bag~"

Or not.

A/N: Remember that luggage he have on the last chapter?

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