When You Have Exam

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Nao Sakura

You failed one subject and barely passed the others.

You asked Nao to be your tutor which he gladly agrees.

You're the one who asked him but now you're just sleeping while he's deep in discussing how x is equals to 6. (Math, you demon!)

Nao tried different methods, he gave you chocolates as a reward but it didn't work, he tried to take away some of your anime collection promising to give it back if you just listened and you still fell asleep.

Having multiple part time jobs is really tiring but you needed to pass! Nao needed you to pass so he can spend more time with you instead of you taking remedial classes.

Because of you, Nao didn't have any choice but to use violence! Every time you doze off he would whip your table causing a really loud noise that would wake you.

"Y/N, I would greatly appreciate it if you just listen." He whipped your table startling you as you looked at Nao smiling sadistically.

You succeeded pissing Nao, an irritated Nao is bad news. He leaned closely at you, faces few centimeters apart.

"I believe that you don't want to see me mad, right Y/N?" His hazel orbs glaring intensely at you making you gulp.

You thankfully stayed awake throughout Nao's lecture and passed the exam.

The following day, Nao let you sleep all day cuddling him which he also enjoys as much as you.

Makoto Ritsu

You have no problem with the incoming exams. You're score will always be on top but that's because you always review.

This time your albino boyfriend is helping you review. Makoto is the type of student who will pass even without reviewing.

He's supposed to be helping you but all he did is sleep in your lap that's making you hard to concentrate. You would always try to wake him up but he wouldn't bulge and would even hug you tight making it harder for you.

"Mi-chan, I really need to review to pass." You groaned as you kept on shaking him.

"Shut up." He moaned as he hugged your waist tighter making you blush more.

Makoto would steal glances at you enjoying your crimson face and how hard you tried concentrating, ignoring your position. Even if you failed in this exam, he will make sure that you will pass this year by all means.

Ai Tachibana

Ai can perfect the exam without even studying, this boy is a freaking genius.

You as a well-known idiot needed to keep your act believable so you asked your neko boyfriend to help you study.

"Ne, ne Ai! I don't understand this one!" You pouted and pointed at the fairly simple math problem.

Tch, what an easy one. All the questions are piece of cake, I can perfect this reviewer.

"This one is really easy, nya! You just need to change this one to this." Ai instructed purposely on mistake swishing his tail delightfully.

"What? Are you an idiot? You shouldn't change that one, you add it!" You accidentally corrected him surprised that the academy's top 1 is this dumb.

"See? You're really capable of answering that, nya." He calmly stated looking at you with his green cat eyes glinting like he knew all along that you're pretending.

You were deceived by this neko! You can't believe that you let your guard down with him.

"Let's just go on a date, nya~" he smiled at you taking you by surprise.

"I-If you insist! I guess I have no c-choice!" You affirmed already walking away from him to hide your hot face.

"My princess is so cute, nya!" He called out.

Hearing this you stumbled but prevented yourself from falling. Your heart hammering in your chest with his compliment.

"S-shut up! Idiot!"

Ai enjoyed teasing you all day. He like seeing you blush, he's the only person who can see it. He won't let anyone see you looking this irresistible.

A/N: I know it's not exam week... But why do I feel like it is? Mah brain... Mah poor brain! T~T
How's school for you guys? Bet it's hell.

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